Home > Gift of Gold (Gift #1)(44)

Gift of Gold (Gift #1)(44)
Author: Jayne Ann Krentz

Verity trembled as her excitement bloomed quickly once more. She moved restlessly, opening herself further to his touch. He kissed her deeply as he slid one finger a short distance inside her damp channel.

The erotic movement of his tongue echoed the motion of his stroking finger. The combination was wildly, unbearably thrilling.

Now it was Verity who was overcome with urgent desire. It swamped her as Jonas continued to caress her. The last of her fears vanished in the white hot heat of passion and she lifted herself against him in silent, feminine demand.

Jonas needed no further urging. He was hard and ready. She reached for him the way she had reached for him in the dark tunnel.

And he came to her, his lips raining fire on her br**sts, his muscled hips pushing apart her soft thighs until his heavy shaft was poised against her body. He reached down to part her softness with long, sensitive fingers that trembled and then he drove himself into her, sheathing himself to the hilt with a shuddering groan.

The impact of his sensual invasion sent a convulsive tremor through Verity. There was no real pain this time, but, just as she had the first time, she felt too tight and too stretched. She felt invaded.

She was still too new at this, she decided. Either that or Jonas was simply too big for her. All the small, delicate muscles in her lower body felt strained to the limit. She cried out, half in passion and half in protest, only to have the soft sound cut off by Jonas's mouth.

"Stay with me," Jonas muttered thickly against her lips. "Don't leave me alone. Not now. Stay with me.

Hold me."

Verity opened her eyes, her breath coming quickly as her body slowly began to adjust around him.

Maybe he wasn't too large, after all. Maybe he was just right for her. Jonas's fingers tightened on her shoulders and she looked up to find him staring down at her with molten eyes. He started to move within her, establishing a throbbing rhythm that radiated out to every nerve ending in Verity's body.

She felt a strange tingling, clenching sensation begin deep within her as Jonas withdrew himself almost completely and then surged back into her. She could feel the whole, heavy length of him as he opened her small passage and occupied the soft, feminine territory. The sense of being pinned and invaded gave way to a spiraling sense of wanting that was new to her. She clung to him and felt herself tightening around him, seeking something she couldn't quite identify,

"That's it, honey," Jonas grated, shuddering powerfully. His urgent words poured over her, coaxing, beseeching, commanding. "That's the way. Give yourself to me. Let me have everything. God, I can feel you holding on to me like you'll never let me go. So hot, so tight. You're going to squeeze me dry. Let me get all the way inside. All the way. I don't want to think of anything else except how good you feel...."

Verity's shivering, violent climax took her by surprise. She had not known what to expect, but when it washed through her she knew exactly what it was. She seized it eagerly with all her might and gave herself up to it and the man who had inspired it.


"Oh, yes. Christ, yes. Yes. Yes." He shuddered heavily once more and then froze for an instant, eyes closed, face taut as he pumped out his own release.

And then there was only silence.

Verity came slowly back to herself, aware first of the storm that still beat against the windows and then of the weight of the man who sprawled on top of her. She lay quietly for a long moment, listening to his deep breathing while she enjoyed the lingering, relaxed contentment that pulsed within her.

So that was what it was all about. She smiled up at the ceiling and wriggled her toes. Then another jagged shaft of lightning lit the room and she saw the rapier lying on the floor. Memory returned in a rush.

The blade appeared wet in the platinum glare of the lightning, as if it had been dampened with fresh blood. The too-white light disappeared, plunging the room into merciful shadow. Verity's sense of peace and satisfaction shriveled.

"Jonas?" She touched his shoulder. "Jonas, are you awake?"

"I'm awake." He made no move to lift his head from her breast. She felt his warm breath on her nipple.

"Are you... are you all right?"

"I'm fine. Thanks to you." He yawned.

"Wait a minute," Verity said, her tone sharpening. "Don't you dare go to sleep on me, Jonas. I want to talk to you."

"In the morning."

Ske slapped his shoulder lightly, reprovingly. He groaned in response.

"No, not in the morning," Verity said firmly. "Now. What in the world happened to you tonight? What made you bring that sword in here? Did you have a nightmare?"

Jonas didn't react for so long that Verity began to fear he'd gone to sleep after all. But finally he sighed heavily and shifted himself reluctantly to lie on his back beside her. He had one arm over his eyes.

"You could call it that," he said quietly.


He took his arm away from his eyes and propped himself up on his elbow so that he could look down at her. His expression was remote and wary but his gaze seemed brilliant in the shadows. Florentine gold.

"It's a long story, Verity. Are you sure you want to hear it tonight?"

"I most certainly do want to hear it tonight," she declared firmly, pulling herself up against the pillows.

"I want to know what happened. Do you have a lot of bad dreams?"

"Not if I'm careful," he drawled wryly and sat up on the edge of the bed. "And believe me, I've been very careful for the past five years." He got to his feet and paced to the window, where he stood looking out into the blackness of the storm. "You're not going to understand or believe any of this, Verity. You'll think I'm crazy. Sometimes I think I'm crazy."

"Try me."

He shook his head. "I'd rather wait awhile. I'd rather let you get to know me better so that you can trust me."

"I have to know what's going on, Jonas. For better or worse, we seem to have started something. If I'm going to sleep with you, even occasionally, I must have some answers."

His mouth crooked wryly. "So demanding. What a little despot you are, honey."

"I have a right to know more about you, Jonas," she insisted with grave dignity.

"I suppose that's true. Well, we might as well get this over with as quickly as possible. You're probably going to come unglued when you hear what I have to say."

"It takes a lot to make me come unglued," she stated with calm pride. "My father gave me a practical sort of education, remember? I've lived in a lot of places and I've seen a lot of things. I may have been a virgin when you met me, but I have definitely not led a sheltered life. Dad doesn't believe in sheltering people."

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