Home > Dreams (Part Two) (Dreams #2)(24)

Dreams (Part Two) (Dreams #2)(24)
Author: Jayne Ann Krentz

Diana glanced worriedly at the old staircase. “Maybe you should stay down here on the couch. I’ll get some stuff from the bathroom to disinfect those cuts. I’ve got some tablets I use for cramps. They might help with the pain.“

“Uh, are you sure? The last thing I’m worrying about at the moment is menstrual cramps.“

“They’re pretty effective on things like headaches, too,“ she assured him. “I’ll get you a couple of tablets. You sit right down here. I don’t want you trying the stairs.“

Colby allowed her to lower him gingerly to the sofa. He clutched his ribs and looked up at her with an expression of noble suffering. “I really appreciate this, honey.“

Diana fussed with the pillows, trying to make him more comfortable. “I just cannot believe someone would do this.

What a creep that Harry is.“

“My feelings exactly.“ He lay cautiously down on the sofa, groaning softly.

“Don’t move. I’ll be right back.“

“Don’t worry. I’m not going anywhere.“

“Are you sure you couldn’t tolerate the ride into town to see a doctor in emergency?“

“Believe me, it would be the death of me.“

“Maybe I could get a doctor to come out here.“

“Not a chance. Fulbrook Corners may be a bit behind the times, but you can bet the local physicians have adopted all the latest medical practices. They won’t make house calls.“

“I can call an ambulance.“

“No, you will not call an ambulance.“

Diana dithered anxiously for another few seconds, wishing she could get some medical advice. Then she dashed up the stairs to the bathroom to find some basic first-aid supplies.

She spent the next hour devoting herself to making Colby more comfortable and swearing vengeance on Harry Gedge. Colby bore up gallantly but it was obvious he was in a lot of pain.

“I’m sorry I yelled at you when you drove in earlier,“ she apologized humbly as she prepared a pot of tea for him.

“Don’t worry about it,“ Colby said magnanimously. He levered himself up carefully to take the tea mug from her hand. “Sorry I worried you by getting home late.“

“I guess I’m a bit jumpy after what happened out on River Road.“

“So am I, if you want to know the truth. In fact, I think we’re going to cut short our summer vacation in scenic Fulbrook Corners.“

She stared at him in surprise. “We are? Why? You seemed determined to spend the whole summer here.“

“I can finish Blood Mist back in Portland.“

“Colby, I don’t understand. What made you decide all of a sudden to leave? Was it because of Harry’s assault on you tonight?“

“Not exactly. I finally started asking myself the question everyone else has been asking me.“

“Which question?“

“Why in hell did I come back to Fulbrook Corners after all this time?“

“Did you come up with an answer?“ Diana asked gently.

“I told Gil the other night that I must have come back to meet you. Well, I’ve met you and I’ve married you. So we’

re leaving just as soon as I’m able to move without reeling like I’m going to fall into a million pieces.“

“Colby, it makes me so angry to see you hurt like this. Do you want some more tea?“

“No, thanks, honey.“

“Are the pain pills helping any?“

“Well, I haven’t got cramps.“


Colby was still ensconced on the sofa at noon the next day when Gil Thorp arrived. He looked up from some notes on Blood Mist that he was making on a yellow pad and grinned ironically behind Diana’s back as she opened the door.

Gil saw the grin and his bushy gray brows rose. But he said nothing.

“I’m so glad you could stop by,“ Diana said as she ushered Gil into the room. “When I saw your wife at the post office this morning, I told her I felt very strongly that something should be done about this. Colby gave me strict orders not to say anything to anyone about it, but I just couldn’t keep silent when I saw Evelyn. Here, have a seat. I’ll go fix some coffee.“ She looked over at Colby. “Would you like another cup, Colby?“

“Thanks, honey. That would be nice. Maybe another one of those cookies you picked up at the store?“

“I’ll be right back.“ She scurried toward the kitchen.

Gil patted Specter and sprawled in the armchair across from the sofa. He gave Colby an appraising look.

“So,“ Gil said dryly, “I understand you’re suffering nobly after being the victim of a savage, unprovoked beating.“

“You know me, Gil. I’m nothing if not noble.“

“Uh-huh.“ He surveyed the depleted tray of snacks that had been placed within easy reach of the sofa, the pile of books and magazines arranged conveniently on the table, the carefully plumped pillows and the remains of an earlier cup of coffee. “You know what I think?“

“What’s that?“

“I think you’ve just discovered one of the little joys of married life, and you’re wallowing in it. Ever had a woman fuss over you before, Colby?“

“Not that I can remember,“ Colby responded with total honesty. He grinned back. “A man could get used to it.“

“It appears you’re taking to it like a duck to water. From the report I got, I assumed you were at death’s door, but you don’t look like you’re going to croak on us any time soon. What’s the real story?“

“The bruises you can see and a few more on my ribs. Nothing’s broken. I’m a little sore but Diana’s keeping me dosed with female medicine. It works fairly well.“

“Female medicine? What’s that?“

“Take a guess.“

Gil’s expression cleared. “I get it. That kind of medicine.“

“Yeah, that kind of medicine.“

“Is it working?“ Gil asked with interest.

“Like I told Diana, I don’t have cramps.“

“That must be a great relief to you. You want to tell me what happened last night?“

“Didn’t Diana fill Evelyn in? I understood they had a real heart-to-heart chat at the post office this morning.“

“I hope you didn’t chew Diana out when she told you she’d talked to Evelyn. She’s really upset, Colby.“

“I know. That’s why I didn’t yell at her when she admitted she’d run into Evelyn and spilled the whole story.“

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