Home > Escape to Me (1NightStand #131)(7)

Escape to Me (1NightStand #131)(7)
Author: Diane Alberts


Had he pictured himself giving suit to this woman? No. He couldn’t be ready for such a step. He’d just lost Suzanne and couldn’t commit to a second marriage. But…maybe she could be his mistress? Could he convince her to travel to his time? To be his kept woman? Could he ask this of her, when he was the one who had ruined her good name in the first place, and not another man?

Not bloody likely.

Yet, he didn’t plan to stand by while she walked into the arms of a different man. For tonight, she belonged to him. He stalked across the room and caught up to her. Grabbing her by the shoulders, he backed her against the doorframe.

Shoving aside recriminations and doubts, he cradled her face and kissed her with the pent up frustration and confusion he’d been feeling since he’d discovered her innocence.

She’d never lain with anyone but him, and he would make the night memorable. They’d have to move on in a few short hours. But until then, he’d kiss every square inch of her body. Starting with the one spot she’d been taunting him with glimpses of all night. Letting his mouth fall away from hers, he dropped to his knees. He reached up and caressed her thighs, enjoying the play of his fingers on her milky white skin.

“I’m going to do something shocking, but I promise you, it is commonplace among lovers. Do you trust me?” He made sure to keep his voice husky, willing her to acquiesce to his request. “Can you let me taste you?”

Her face paled, but she nodded before gripping his shoulders. “Yes, I trust you. Just don’t let me fall.”

He ducked his head to hide his smile. She would require more help standing by the time he finished with her, but he would make sure she didn’t fall.

Thomas hiked the shirt higher on her waist, and flicked his tongue against her clitoris. Her legs collapsed beneath her, but he’d been prepared for her shock at the sensations. He caught her in his arms and laid her on the plush carpet—unwilling to take even a moment away from their time together to walk her to the bed. He lowered his mouth once more, and she opened to him in readiness for his assault.

When he licked her again, she strained against him. Cupping her bu**ocks, he held her still as he lavished attention on her. She tasted of honey, and he savored every last bit she gave to him. Craved more. She tightened around him a little more with each stroke, until she froze, a cry breaking out on her lips. Her body went lax. Letting her down on the carpet, he put a condom on and rose over her, thrusting inside without a moment’s hesitation.

She raised her hips, taking all he had to give her, and then somehow finding a way to take more. Their pace rose to a crescendo, and he pressed his thumb against her already sensitive nub. When her muscles compressed around him, massaging his cock, he let out a hoarse cry, spilling his seed inside her. He dropped to his elbows, keeping his weight off her. It wouldn’t do to crush the girl. He kissed her damp temple, his arms trembling from the force of his release.

How could this woman make him act like a randy boy fresh out of Eton, eager to bury himself inside of her immediately after finishing? He’d been in more beds before his marriage than he could count, but with her he was revitalized. Rejuvenated. Alive.

As if he could start over and live out his happy-ever-after.

With her.

She wasn’t gentry, so he couldn’t get away with marrying her, but to hell with marriage. He had an heir anyway.

“What are you thinking?” she asked, her voice breathy. He brushed another light kiss on her forehead and rolled onto his back. He hopped to his feet and helped her to rise as well.

“I’m thinking I have to take this damned thing off.” He walked into the washroom, and halted two steps in. Had he taken a wrong turn somewhere? Where was the bucket of water? The chamber pot? He heard Eleanor enter behind him, and spun with a smile.

It wouldn’t do to let her see his confusion.

“Ladies first.” He motioned her forward and stepped aside. She smirked as she walked, still clothed in his top, to the odd white thing in the corner, flicked a knob, and stuck her hand under the water rushing out.

Oh, right.

Plumbing, he believed it was called?

He spied a wastebasket of some sort and peeled off the wrapper covering his cock. His skin was left dry and clean, with only the head of his shaft showing any moistness. Astonishing.

They had similar concepts in his time, but not so efficient. She finished washing up and dried off before striding back out into the bedroom. He hurried to follow suit, pleased to find Eleanor lying under the blanket, her hair rumpled and tossed. He slid under the covers next to her, cradling her in his arms to inhale her sweet scent.

“You feel fantastic,” Thomas murmured into her ear as he rubbed his erection against her bottom. Would he ever get enough of this woman? Would one night satiate his appetite?

Somehow, he doubted it. She let out a loud yawn, raising a dainty hand to cover her mouth, and he chuckled. He snuggled closer, and sighed in contentment. He’d allow her a small nap to rest up. But then, he reserved every right to awaken her not with words, but with caresses.


Thomas tensed, calling her name as he came. She quivered in his arms, and he dropped a light kiss on her swollen lips. He’d never imagined she’d be so adventurous as to take him into her mouth, a move which had led to this most recent bout of lovemaking.

So bold. He withdrew from her body and hopped off the bed. “I’ll be right back.” He removed the condom, washed up, and returned to the bedroom to find Eleanor sitting on the edge of the bed, hands crossed in her lap. With her back held stiff and perfectly straight and her head high, she gave him pause. She looked like she was sitting at an afternoon tea, rather than on a bed with barely a stitch of clothing on.

The first light of dawn crept through the blinds, making his heart stutter. The realization that it was morning crashed down on him like a fist. Their night of passion was over.

“Are you okay? Was I too rough?” Thomas asked, sitting down beside her. He wrapped his arm over her shoulder, enjoying the feel of her soft body pressing against his. Would he never get to feel this again? Never be able to marvel at how perfectly she fit into his arms?

“No. I’m fine. Wonderful, even. Tonight has been great. Thank you for being so kind.”

He clenched his jaw, studying her closed face. Attempting a light-hearted smile, he leaned closer to her. He pressed his lips to her jaw, reaching out to hold her hand, and whispered in her ear, “It doesn’t have to end yet.”

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