Home > Tangled Threads (Elemental Assassin #4)(74)

Tangled Threads (Elemental Assassin #4)(74)
Author: Jennifer Estep

She turned toward the door, but I grabbed her arm. I tried not to notice how she tensed at my touch. Time, I told myself. It would just take some time.

"Stay," I said. "Please. It would mean a lot to me."

Bria hesitated, but after a moment, she nodded. She took off her coat and put it on the rack with the others. Then, our shoulders not quite touching, we walked down the hall and into the living room. The others stopped their conversation as we stepped into the room. They all knew what Bria meant to me, what having her here meant to me.

"Everyone," I said in a loud voice. "This is my baby sister, Bria."

Nobody said anything for a moment. Then everyone moved forward at once, welcoming Bria to the party and into our little family. Forever.

I stepped back out of the way and let the others talk to Bria. She turned first one way then another, saying hello to everyone. Roslyn, Xavier, the Deveraux sisters, the Foxes, the Volgas. This went on for quite a while, but I was content to just stand aside and watch. Finally the others gave Bria some breathing room, and she wandered over into the corner, probably just to find a moment's peace before jumping back into the fray.

And that's when Finnegan Lane finally made his move.

"You know, we're going to be seeing a lot of each other now," Finn said in a smooth voice, sidling up to her.

Bria gave him a cool look. "Just because you're Gin's foster brother doesn't mean I have to be nice to you."

"No, it doesn't, although I imagine it will make things easier for Gin if we at least try to get along."

Bria snorted, not buying Finn's lame line for a second.

Instead of being offended, Finn just grinned at her. "You're not going to make this easy for me, are you?"

Bria's blue eyes narrowed, but once again, I saw a hot spark of interest glittering in her gaze. Whether she wanted to admit it or not, she was attracted to Finn. "No. I think you're the kind of man who's had it far too easy over the years, especially when it comes to women. At least, that's the rumor I've heard."

Finn clutched his hand over his heart. "Oh, detective. How you wound me."

Bria snorted again.

"Well, then, I guess it's a good thing that I've got tradition on my side," Finn said, his grin widening.

Bria frowned. "What are you talking about?"

Finn pointed up at the ball of mistletoe hanging over their heads. It took Bria a second to realize what the mistletoe was-and what Finn intended to do next.

Before she could protest or step back, Finn grabbed her, pulled her into his arms, dipped her low, and soundly kissed her. The motion surprised my sister, and she didn't even have time to put up a token struggle. Not that she would have anyway.

Because after a moment, her hands, which had been windmilling in the air, settled on Finn's broad shoulders. Her fingers dug into his muscles, and I couldn't tell if she was trying to push him away or pull him closer. For his part, Finn was kissing my sister for all he was worth, holding her close in a way I'd never seen him do with another woman before.

"Well, that could be interesting," Owen murmured in my ear. "How do you feel about that?"

Finn and Bria broke apart, still holding on to each other and both breathing heavy. Finn put Bria back up on her feet and gave her another suave smile, although his face was faintly troubled, as if he'd enjoyed that kiss a little more than he'd thought he would. As if he'd felt a little more than he'd thought he would-maybe even a little too much for comfort.

Bria glowered at him and turned away, but not before I saw a small, almost triumphant smile curve her lips as well.

"I think Finn may have finally met his match," I said.

Owen put his arms around me, and I leaned my head against his chest.

"Merry Christmas, Gin," Owen said in a quiet voice.

But was it really merry? I might have killed Elektra LaFleur and ended the threat that the assassin posed to us all, but I hadn't accomplished my ultimate goal-eliminating Mab Monroe. Until the Fire elemental was dead, we were all still in danger, no matter how safe we might feel right now.

Then I looked out at the people in the living room. Finn, the Deveraux sisters, Eva Grayson, Roslyn and her family, Xavier, the Foxes, Vinnie and Natasha. And Bria, finally back in my life after so many years gone. Everyone smiling and laughing. Everyone warm, loved, and happy. For this moment, for this one day, everything was perfect, and I knew I couldn't wish for anything more. Today, I'd take what happiness I could get. Tomorrow, I'd get down to the business of taking out Mab-once and for all.

"Merry Christmas, Owen," I said in a soft voice, echoing his sentiment.

And it was.

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