Home > Midnight Frost (Mythos Academy #5)(65)

Midnight Frost (Mythos Academy #5)(65)
Author: Jennifer Estep

"Please take us back," I said.

The gryphon let out a loud, fierce, wild cry and launched himself into the air. In the space of a few heartbeats, we'd shot up hundreds of feet into the sky. My hands tightened around Ran's net, and I felt Logan's arm slide firmly around my waist.

"Easy," he murmured in my ear. "If Vivian and Agrona can do it, so can we. The gryphon isn't going to let us fall. So just relax and enjoy the ride."

It took me a few minutes to unclench my fingers and jaw enough to do that. The gryphon flew at an easy pace, his wings spread wide, sailing up and down on the air currents. Slowly, I began to enjoy the high, airy, weightless sensation. It was almost like we were a feather floating this way and that on the breeze. Eventually, I was able to look over the side of the gryphon's body. For a moment, I wished I hadn't, as the forest, trees, and rocks zipped by us below, becoming a white, green, and gray blur. But I slowly got used to the sensation, and I realized just how wonderful it was - like being completely, utterly free.

I wondered if this was how Vivian felt whenever she rode her Black roc. I wondered if she got any happiness out of soaring through the sky on the creature - or if she ever enjoyed anything besides hurting other people. But I pushed thoughts of the Reaper girl out of my mind, determined to enjoy this moment for as long as I could.

The other gryphons joined us in the air, even the baby, and they formed a sort of honor guard around us. I found myself laughing and waving at the creatures, even as the wind tore away my happy chuckles and sent them sailing down to the ground so very far below. Behind me, I could hear Logan laughing and cheering, as well. He was enjoying the ride just as much as I was. Even Vic chimed in on occasion with a Jolly good show. Jolly good show, old boys.

We flew down the mountain, and I got glimpses of the winding trail that we'd first come up. Once he sensed us relaxing, the gryphon picked up the pace, pumping his wings back and forth, and flying faster and faster. Soon, we left the mountaintop completely behind and were zooming over Snowline Ridge. Below, the people and cars on the streets looked like tiny toys half-buried in the snow. I leaned over the gryphon's side and waved, although I doubted anyone could see me. A few people looked up as the gryphons' shadows slid over their heads, but they quickly ducked back into whatever shop they'd come out of. I kept laughing.

Finally, though, the academy came into sight. Like everything else, snow covered the grounds, but I still spotted the wall that ringed the campus, as well as the buildings on the main quad.

I leaned forward. "Set us down there," I told the gryphon. "Right in the middle of everything."

The creature nodded, let out another screech, and started circling down toward the ground.

One kid looked up and caught sight of the gryphons. He started yelling at his classmates, and, soon, everyone's heads were turned up in our direction. All I could hear was the wind roaring in my ears, but I could imagine the chatter of conversation on the ground.

People came rushing out of all the buildings, mouths open, eyes wide with shock. It took me a few minutes, but I finally spotted my friends among the mix. All I had to do was look for a splash of head-to-toe pink, and I saw Daphne, with the others standing beside her. I waved, even though I wasn't sure they could see me.

Finally, the gryphons glided to the ground right in the center of the main quad. Whispers swirled all around me, but I ignored them as I untied Logan, Vic, and myself from Ran's net and the gryphon's back and slid to the ground.

I pulled off my glove and put my bare hand against the gryphon's side. "Thank you," I whispered. "For everything."

And then I closed my eyes and concentrated, trying to show the gryphon how much I appreciated his helping me and Logan - and saving our lives.

The gryphon bowed his head, then nudged me with it. I knew what he wanted, and I laughed and scratched the top of his head. Once more, I felt the creature's warm feelings of friendship and gratitude wash over me.

"You know," I murmured, "if you're ever out in my mountains, I'd love to take another ride sometime."

The gryphon dipped his head, and I knew it was a date.

Logan touched my shoulder, then jerked his head, and I realized we'd attracted quite a crowd. Students were holding up their phones and snapping photos, but no one dared approach the gryphons - no one but my friends.

Daphne. Carson. Oliver. Alexei. Ajax. Rory. Rachel. My friends, old and new, stood in a row before me, their eyes moving back and forth between me, Logan, and the gryphons.

"Hey, guys," I said.

No one spoke for a moment.

Finally, Rory shook her head. "I'll give you this, Princess. You sure do know how to make an entrance."

I just grinned.

Chapter 34

I said good-bye to the gryphons a final time. Then, as one unit, the creatures spread their wings and soared up into the sky, spiraling higher and higher. A sense of awe rippled off everyone on the quad as they watched the creatures - and disappointment, too, that the creatures weren't going to hang around longer. I had a feeling the gryphons would be back, though - sooner than anyone thought.

Once the gryphons were gone, all eyes turned to me and my friends as we left the quad behind. Well, I was trying to leave. Everyone else was still walking slowly and staring up at the sky, hoping to catch one more glimpse of the creatures.

Daphne finally lowered her gaze and shook her head. "Only you would make friends with a gryphon and have it pay off later."

I thought of the silver laurel bracelet Eir had given me. "I don't know about that."

"What was it like?" Rory asked in an eager voice. "Actually getting to ride on one?"

I sighed. "It was amazing."

I told them all about my trek down the mountain with Logan and how the gryphons had saved us from the storm. I didn't say anything about my visit with Nike and Eir or my argument with the Spartan. But my friends could tell something was going on between me and Logan. More than once, Daphne raised her eyebrows at me, then at him. I shook my head, telling her we'd talk about it later.

As soon as I finished my story, Ajax pulled out his cell phone and started making arrangements for us to take a plane back to North Carolina as soon as possible. I handed the coach the container with the ambrosia flower, and Ajax tucked it inside his jacket. I didn't tell him about the bracelet, though. It was still hidden under my snowsuit and layers of clothes. I didn't know what I was going to do with the bracelet - or when I would do it.

Daphne used her magic to heal the roc wound in Logan's side, and she took care of all of my bumps and bruises, as well. Once that was done, we went back to Rachel's house, while the guys headed up the hill to the empty cottage where they'd been staying. Apparently, my friends had been packing up their gear and getting ready to hike back up the mountain to find me and Logan when the two of us had landed on the quad with the gryphons.

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