Home > Guarding His Heart (Forever Love #4)(24)

Guarding His Heart (Forever Love #4)(24)
Author: J.S. Cooper

“I guess you can lift me up and I’ll have my back against the door?” I said thoughtfully and he nodded and tried to pick me up.

“I can’t move you, Hannah.” He groaned as his c**k brushed up against me hard.

“Well thanks, I’m not that fat.”

“It has nothing to do with you being fat, I can’t lift you up and push you against the door. There’s not enough space.”

“Let’s try and change positions.” I mumbled. “Then you should be able to lift me up.”

“Okay.” He nodded. “Let’s do it.” We both stood there and attempted to move, but there was no way for us to shift in the confined space. “That’s not going to work.” He shook his head. “Let me see if I can enter you like this.” His finger slipped under my skirt and he moved my panties to the side. I felt his finger grazing my clit, but only for a brief second. The next thing I knew his c**k was sliding in between my legs.

“Oh yeah.” He grinned as the tip of him rubbed my clit and I moaned. “Just step up a little bit, I can’t enter you in this position.”

“Where’s the condom?” I asked him slowly as I held onto his shoulder.

“Oh shit.” He looked annoyed. “Hold on.” He tried to pull his wallet out, but there wasn’t enough room. “I can’t get to the packets, can’t I just pull out?”

“No, where are you going to pull out and cum?” I shook my head. “Not on my skirt or top.”

“Hold on,” He groaned and tried again, this time banging his elbow into the door. “Ouch.” He muttered and then we both froze as we heard a knock on the door.

“Are there two people in that bathroom?” A loud screechy voice asked. “It is against federal regulations for two people to copulate in an airline bathroom.” She said again and we froze.

Leo looked at me sheepishly and pulled his c**k out from between my legs.

“I guess that’s that.” He sighed as he zipped himself back up.

“We tried.” I nodded as he opened the door. We walked out of the bathroom stiffly, the air stewardess and a few other passengers staring at us in shock.

“My nurse was just taking my temperature.” Leo said lightly as we left the room. “Everything’s okay though, I don’t have a fever.”

I followed him back to our seats with a red face and avoided all eye contact with everyone else on the plane.

“Well that sucked.” He grinned at me as we sat down.

“I can’t believe we almost got caught.” I whispered and he laughed.

“I can’t believe you weren’t going to let me just pull out.”

“Why would I let you pull out, Leo?” I shook my head in disbelief. “That is not a foolproof contraception method.”

“It’s better than coming inside of you.” He licked his lips. “Though that would have been even nicer. Maybe you should get on the pill.”

“Why should I get on the pill?” I shifted in my seat, as I started to feel even hornier.

“Wouldn’t you prefer to feel me inside of you when I orgasm?”

“I do feel you inside of me when you orgasm.” I laughed and tried not to remember just how many times I’d already felt him inside of me.

“But that was wearing a condom. It’s different without a condom.” His fingers touched my lip. “It’ll be a whole new experience.”

“I thought you didn’t want to see me again in that way after New York?” I asked him softly.

“Well, we’re hanging out this weekend.”

“I can’t just go to Walgreens and pick up the pill when we land.” I said with a laugh. “It requires a doctors’ trip and a prescription.”

“Then get one next week.”


“Because I want you to.”

“What do you care?” I asked softly. “I thought you weren’t interested in seeing me as more than an assistant in Los Angeles.”

“Well, I’m not looking for a relationship, but that doesn’t mean we can’t still have fun, right?”

“Fun?” I repeated softly.

“Yeah, I mean I’m down for friends with benefits if you are.”

“You want to be friends with benefits?”

“Or assistant with benefits.” He grinned. “Does that work for you?”

“I don’t know.” I bit my lower lip and stared at him. Could I really do this? One fling in New York and then going back to the normal way of life was one thing, but sleeping with him and working with him might be completely different. It was a huge risk to my career and my heart.

“What would you like? We can create a list of rules so both of us is happy.”

“I guess that could work.” I nodded, my head running a hundred miles a minute. “If we do this then no one can know. I don’t want people in the office talking about me behind my back.”

“That’s fair.” He agreed. “So no public affection or lovemaking.” He paused. “However, I would like to make love in the office.”

“That seems like it goes against the rule of no public lovemaking.” I frowned, though I was starting to feel excited.

“When I said public, I mean other people seeing.” He grinned. “You better believe I’m f**king you over my desk on Monday morning.”

“Will that be before or after your coffee?” I giggled, starting to feel excited.

“Both.” He raised an eyebrow at me. “Okay next rule, no expecting phone calls or blowing up each others phones with texts.”

“Sounds like a good rule to me.” I agreed.

“No expecting to stay over every night.” He said again. “And no expectation of dates and going out and meeting the family.”

“Or friends.” I added, thinking of Lisa. There was no way I wanted him to meet Lisa, I had no idea what she’d say to him.

“Yes, no friends.” He nodded quickly and I felt a little hurt.

“Okay, so we have to keep it private at work and not expect any access to each other’s private lives.” I said slowly. “Anything else.”

“You need to get on the pill.” He grinned at me. “Please.”

“I’ll think about it.” My heart started beating fast at the thought of what we were embarking on. Was this really going to work? Could we work together and be friends with benefits without anything blowing up in or faces.

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