Home > Ultraviolet Catastrophe(29)

Ultraviolet Catastrophe(29)
Author: Jamie Grey

Avery raised his hands and the applause stopped. “I am also pleased to announce that the student liaison for this project will be Asher Rosen, grandson of Nathan Rosen, who contributed so much to the original theory. He’ll work as an intermediary between scientists and our talented students, and generally lead the effort from our trainees.”

The student section erupted in cheers, and Asher stood up from his seat at the front of the auditorium to wave at the crowd. Someone in the back row gave a shrill whistle and cat call and he flashed us a cocky grin before sitting back down with the rest of the project leads.

Dr. Danvers watched him with an indulgent smile before resuming her place. “To celebrate this amazing announcement, we’ll be having a special gala in a few weeks to celebrate the project kick off. I’ll expect you all there in black tie.” She paused, her face serious. “I can’t tell you how important this project is to QT. And to all of us. I am honored we were awarded this contract, but there will be a lot of work ahead of us for the next several years. I have full faith that, together, we can achieve what no one thought possible!”

The scientists erupted into cheers again, and many of them shot to their feet. It was like watching a high school pep rally in reverse. And slightly painful to see grown men high-fiving each other.

Then again, the idea of an actual wormhole was pretty cool. If QT could pull this off, it would be a huge deal, and I was going to get to be a part of it.

As long as Branston left me alone.


Three days later, QT still buzzed with the news. Even tucked in my back corner of the library, I heard Joan gossiping with every scientist who visited about the first phase of the project and who Avery was going to choose to head up the building of the actual wormhole machine.

When even the robots were excited, you knew it was big.

My email dinged, and I pulled my tablet from my bag. My chest lightened when I saw I had one from Asher, but the subject line quickly squashed any pleasure.

Meeting @ 2:00 for Project Assignments.

I skimmed quickly. Asher wanted to meet with our group to talk about where we fit into Project Infinity. I still wasn’t sure where I fit at QT, let alone on a project like this, but I wanted to be part of it, more than I’d ever wanted anything. Somewhere I’d gone from hating the fact that I was stuck here at QT to wanting to be a part of it.

Ten minutes before two, I packed up my stuff and headed to the labs. Asher’s office was in the Project Infinity wing in Division Nine where he could run the student projects. I caught sight of my wavy reflection in the metal elevators doors and tugged at my ponytail as I waited. Why hadn’t I worn something besides my old hoodie and a plain white t-shirt? I looked like such a mess.

Quickly, I pulled my hair free from the rubber band and shook it out with my fingers, letting it fall around my shoulders. Not much better, but it would have to do. At least I’d straightened it this morning. My usual Hermione hair was not a good look. I stuck my tongue out at my reflection just as the elevator doors slid open.

“Is that an invitation?” Asher asked with a grin. He was slouched against the wall, hands shoved into his pockets.

I forced a laugh. “Only in your dreams.”

“Ah, Lexicon, you don’t even know how often that’s true.”

I didn’t think it was possible, but I got even redder and my insides dropped before the elevator had even started to move.

Asher chuckled. “Yeah, sorry. That was probably a bit much. You headed to my office?”

I nodded, not confident I could form a coherent sentence. My brain whirled from his flirting. We were just friends, weren’t we? From the corner of my eye, I noticed Asher’s hair was carefully messy, and instead of just his usual geeky t-shirt, he’d thrown a khaki blazer over it. I had to admit, he looked even hotter than normal.

The tension between us crackled like the air before a thunderstorm, and the space around me shrank until there was only Asher. Only the sound of his breathing, his clean-laundry scent. He straightened from his slouch to stare at the numbers on the panel as if he needed to focus on something else.

The doors finally slid open, and he gestured with a flourish. “After you, Lexicon.”

I could feel his gaze on me, heavy and hot like a hand on my back, and I shivered. Luckily, the walk to his office was short, and we made it in silence. I couldn’t have thought of a witty comeback if my life had depended on it.

Max, Zella, and Amy were already waiting for us when we got there.

“We were just going to send out a search party,” Amy said as we entered the office. “But then I realized how busy you must be, Ash. Hopefully we can take some of that off your hands.” She paused, noticing my flushed cheeks, and narrowed her eyes.

Asher shrugged and flopped into the chair behind the sleek glass desk. “It’s not bad. I’ll deal.”

I slid into the empty chair beside the door. Max scooted his chair over to give me some more room and leaned over to whisper, “I’m glad you guys showed up. Amy was about to call out the rescue robots.”

I sighed. “She keeps a short chain on him, doesn’t she?”

Asher tapped furiously at his keyboard. “Just tweaking a few last-minute assignments. Be right with you guys.”

Amy still glared at me, like I’d done something wrong by being alone in Asher’s company. He was just a friend, but I’d be damned if someone was going to dictate who I hung out with. If she was going to go there, I could play that game, too.

“Take your time, Ash.” I smiled slowly at him. “I’m just excited I was included. I’m sure you have something cool for all of us to work on.”

An amused smile twisted his lips, and he paused to look up at me. “Glad you think so, Lexicon. I have something special planned just for you.” His gaze was challenging and suggestive.

“I bet you do.”

Max and Zella glanced between us, plainly confused. Amy just looked pissed off.

“Okay, I’m done. Let’s get started, shall we?” Asher tapped at the keyboard on his desk, and a project plan popped up on his huge, flat panel monitor. There were columns for each research area of Project Infinity and student teams listed below.

“All of the QT students will be rotating through projects, but with all endeavors like this, there are some premium assignments held for the smartest and best. I’ve been meeting with small groups all week to talk about their interest and skill level, and I think I have most of the assignments done. But since you’re my project group, I wanted to give you guys the option to think about where you might fit in best.”

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