Home > Raw(40)

Author: Belle Aurora

God, are they right? Am I judgey? I thought I was pretty open-minded, but my initial reaction shows that’s not entirely true.

If they only knew about the things Twitch likes to do to you…

Sweet lord in heaven. Here I am, silently judging them when I’ve done the same thing. I haven’t told either of them the extent of my sexual relationship with Twitch; all I’ve told them is he likes it rough. They know nothing of his need for constant control, or the belt…


The belt. I love the belt.

Swallowing hard, I realize I’m not unlike them. And now that I’ve had a moment to gather myself, I tell them both, “No! I don’t think you’re weird, guys. It was just a shock. I guess I felt left out a little. So if you want to look at it like that…I’m the weird one!”

Group-hugging a little while longer, we release each other and spend most of the night chatting and eating niknaks. Around eleven, my friends leave. Waving them off, I shut the door behind me and make my way down the hall to my room.

As soon as the door opens, my heart skips a beat.

Smiling a small smile, I listen to the footsteps as they make the slow decent towards me. Once my unexpected visitor reaches my back, his arms wrap around my waist, pulling me into him. Reaching back, I stroke his hair gently and say quietly, “Michael. He’s okay?”

Twitch sighs, “Been waiting most of the f**kin’ night for your friends to leave, so I don’t really wanna talk right now, Angel.”

He’s been waiting? Waiting patiently like a gentleman? Whoa. That is big. No, it’s huge.

Turning in his arms, I look up at him. With the lights off in my room, an angelic glow provided by the kitchen light in the distance covers his face. “You waited?”

His brow furrows in thought, as if he hadn’t even considered that fact. “Yeah. I guess I did.”

And I can’t stop myself. Reaching up, I cup his cheeks and pull him down to me. Our lips connect. His arms tighten around my waist, but his lips don’t respond to mine. “Kiss me,” I beg on a whisper.

He whispers back against my lips, “Naw. I like when you kiss me.”

Smiling against his mouth, I feel his returning smile and my heart swells.

Something is different about him tonight. There’s something more to him this time.

Something warm.

His arms loosen, his hands slide down my hips, and he slowly cups my ass, squeezing. Hooking his thumbs into my sweatpants, he pushes them down, along with my panties. My most sensitive place throbs and I flood.

Walking me back to my bed, he pushes me, and I land with a bounce on my back. Looking me in the eye, he states, “You move, I stop.” Lowering his face to my already-clenching core, he says, “Be vocal. I like to hear you.”

Draping my legs over his shoulders and back, he kneels on the floor at the edge of my bed and takes a long, hot swipe of my pu**y. Electricity flows through my veins. My body trembles as I let out a soft sigh. He licks twice more before he utters, “Never tasted anything like you before. Never had a pu**y that tasted sweet.” Flattening his tongue, he laps at my entry over and over and over again before saying, “If I could eat your pu**y all day, every day, I’d f**kin’ find a way to make it my job.”

His words, although vulgar, are the sweetest things I’ve heard come out of his mouth since I’ve known him. Reaching up between my legs, I run my fingers through his hair, and his licking turns to sucking. My hips jerk involuntarily, pushing myself deeper into his face.

I moan loudly. He growls and sucks in perfect rhythm.

My eyes roll back when he flicks my clit with his tongue. My breathing turns heavy, and my thighs clench around his head.

“Do not come, Lexi.”

Oh, you motherf—…frack you!

I’m so close I can taste it. Barely above a whisper, I chant, “Please, please, please.”

With one final swipe of his tongue, he stands. And I want to kick him for teasing me. So I do.

I kick out at his hip, and when my foot taps him, he looks down at his hip with a frown, then back up at me. And suddenly, my annoyance is replaced with concern. All I can think is, “Oh damn. I’m in trouble.”

With a growl, he throws himself onto me and I squeal. His arms wrap around me and he flips us so I’m on top of him. I want to cry. I know he has anger issues and I provoked him. What the hell is wrong with me? My heart races. I’m petrified. Then I feel something that makes me go from worried to mad in one second flat.

“What are you laughing at?” I ask defiantly.

Straddling his lap, I push on his chest and he laughs harder. “It’s not funny, Twitch! I could’ve hurt you!”

His laughter borderlines hysterical. Crossing my arms over my chest, I glare at him and wait til he gets his laughter under control. When he breathes deeply and smiles up at me, my anger melts away. Pushing my hair behind my ear, he says, “Today was a bad day. So I come here to unwind, spend some time with my mouth on you, wanting your mouth on me. I didn’t come here expecting to laugh like that. I haven’t laughed like that since I was a teenager. And most of that type of laughter when I was a teen was because I was high as a f**king kite.”

That makes me sad.

When he eyes my gloomy face, he smiles harder, “Fuckin’ funny.”

His eyes darken suddenly, and he sits up so we’re chest-to-chest. “Don’t think I forgot about your temper tantrum.” Wrapping one arm around my back, his free hand slides down to my bare ass and squeezes hard enough to make me wince. Starting at my neck, he kisses a trail up my jaw, to my cheek, then finally at the corner of my lips. “Kiss me, Angel.”

My breathing heavy, my eyes hooded, I answer on a hoarse whisper, “Okay, baby.”

Brushing his lips over mine, I tilt my head slightly and lean into him. The kiss is slow but deep, and when his lips close over mine, I realize he’s actually kissing me back this time. His hand kneading my ass, I fall into a dream-like state. A dream-like state that doesn’t last long.


Crying out into his mouth, he kisses me harder as my ass cheek goes numb a second before it throbs.


Whimpering, my face contorts in pain. His hand caresses the throbbing area, and suddenly my brain interrupts the pain broadcast, thinking, “Whoa. Is that meant to feel nice?”


Harder than the first two, I pull away from his mouth, and tilting my head back, I cry out. My eyes widen a moment. Wetness forms between my legs.

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