Home > A Blaze of Sun (A Shade of Vampire #5)(39)

A Blaze of Sun (A Shade of Vampire #5)(39)
Author: Bella Forrest

A loud piercing scream coming from the depths of Emilia filled the corridors as she attacked Vanessa. I’d seen many humans die before, but I was never more shaken than when I saw Vanessa burn at Emilia’s mere touch and crumble into ashes.

The moment Vanessa’s life force disappeared from the room, the back of Kiev’s hand connected sharply with Emilia’s face and she got thrown into the ground.

I found myself backing up into a wall, wanting to get as far away from the fight as possible.

Emilia pointed her finger at Kiev and I was sure that she was about to use her witchy powers against him, but all he did was smirk, stepping forward to challenge her. “Go ahead, Emilia. Cast a spell on me. Let’s see what our father will do to you should you try to disobey his order never to use a spell on his own children again... especially now that you only have one week to make Derek Novak yours.”

Emilia once again screamed at the top of her lungs. It seemed all she could really do against her older brother was throw a tantrum, until she lunged forward and clawed right through his face. He was so angered by what she did, he tackled her much smaller frame to the ground.

A brunette with stunning purple eyes emerged from a nearby door, possibly to find out what the commotion was all about. Her eyes lit up with wicked delight when she saw the two vampires wrestling with each other. She stepped forward and stood beside me. “You must be my little sister’s pet. I’m Clara.”

“I’m no pet. And I’m definitely not hers.”

“My brother made you drink an immune’s blood, didn’t he?”

I raised my brow at the information I was given. Vanessa was an immune. That’s why her blood tasted just like Sofia’s. I nodded. “Yes. Emilia killed the girl right after I drank.”

“Really now?” Clara’s eyes lit up with pure amusement. “Was it Vanessa?”


“No wonder he’s so peeved. He’s been obsessed with Vanessa ever since he found out your Sofia is a redhead.”

Nothing about that news sat well with me. Another man who could possibly get himself obsessed with Sofia. I stared at Kiev who was pounding his fists against Emilia’s face and saw him for the threat that he was.

“He’s gonna get over it.” Clara cocked her head to the side as she watched her siblings fight, seemingly unaffected by the gory mess they were creating out of each other. “So will Emilia. The effect of the immune’s blood on you will wear off soon enough and you’ll be back in Emilia’s control in no time.”

My gut clenched. I wondered to myself if there was anything I could do in order to keep myself in control. Only one thing came to mind. I have to find another immune. “Vanessa was immune?” I asked Clara.

She smiled at me. “All humans at the castle are immune.” She seemed pleased with herself that she was able to give me that particular tidbit of information. Clearly, the Elder’s “family” was insanely dysfunctional.

Clara began clapping her hands. “Enough! Much as I would love to watch you two kill each other, we all know I can’t allow you to do that.”

Emilia gave her brother one last claw right through his upper torso before she stood to her feet. She had barely taken a couple of steps forward before she completely healed. Kiev, too, had just rose to his feet and it seemed not a scar was in sight anymore.

Still, the two glared murder at each other, threatening death on each other by mere body language.

I couldn’t have cared less about either one of them. The goal I had in mind was to find another immune before I once again lost control. Emilia must’ve read my mind, because she slapped me right on the face so strongly my head began to spin.

I was trying to control the urge to attack her, noticing the way her siblings chuckled when they saw her hit me. Something told me that though they were apparently willing to kill one another, they weren’t about to allow anyone else hurt any single one of them.

Emilia pressed her lips against mine, before clutching the back of my head with both her hands and whispering into my ear, “Don’t even think of drinking another immune’s blood again, Derek. If you do, once this week is over and my vow to you that Sofia won’t be harmed is null, I will make her pay for every single time you displease me while you’re here.”

At that, I chuckled. “You can’t harm Sofia. Even your father can’t harm her. She has too much light in her for darkness to take hold.”

Emilia laughed in response. “Maybe I can’t, Derek, but I know someone who can… someone who will.” She relished my short intake of breath, before revealing who she had in mind. “Her own mother is going to kill her, Derek. Camilla Claremont is going to kill your Sofia.”

Chapter 27: Aiden

“Do you think she’ll ever be able to accept me?” Camilla asked me, her voice quivering with anxiety.

Every time I let my gaze linger upon her, I found myself wishing that the cure was for real, that Ingrid could actually turn back into a human, turn back into my Camilla. I brushed my hand over the back of hers. “I think she wants to, but you’ll find it hard to convince her that your intentions are genuine. Can you blame her?”

She leaned her head on my shoulder. “I guess not.”

Right then, the door to the cell opened and Sofia appeared. I could tell that something was bothering her by the expression on her face. She swallowed hard before looking me in the eye. “I need your help.”

My heart leapt at the words that she had uttered. For the first time since I could remember, my daughter was actually asking for my help. “What is it? What can I do for you? Anything…” I was desperate not to disappoint her again.

She told me about what was going on in The Shade and I listened intently, waiting for her to present to me her request. “You’ve led a multi-million dollar security conglomerate while you were still one of the head hunters at hawk territory. I know you can help me run The Shade.”

“I can definitely help.” I nodded, already having a fair idea of what we could do to solve the problem of the vampires and humans all being held up at The Catacombs. I knew from what I’d been told that Sofia also had it in her to handle things, but she seemed overwhelmed by Derek being away from The Shade.

She sighed with relief before nodding curtly my way. “Come with me then.”

I stood up still holding Camilla’s hand, pulling at her.

When Sofia noticed, she shook her head. “Not with her.”

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