Home > Darkness Unleashed (Guardians of Eternity #5)(87)

Darkness Unleashed (Guardians of Eternity #5)(87)
Author: Alexandra Ivy

She sucked in a sharp breath. “A Raven?”

“You can’t be more shocked than I was.”

Regan shook her head. She wasn’t shocked. She was horrified.

“Are you considering his offer?”

“Yes.” His voice came directly in front of her.

Concern tightened her muscles. “Darcy said the Ravens are sent to keep the vampires and other demons in line. Like some sort of uber enforcer.”

“That’s part of the duties.”

If she could have seen him, she might have punched him for at his cavalier tone.

From what little she’d learned from her sister, the Ravens were Styx’s private Secret Service, and regularly risked their lives at the command of the king.

Jagr was supposed to be a scholar. A recluse. A vampire who was too smart to go around looking for trouble.

“It sounds dangerous.”

“What’s life without a little danger?”

“Safe?” she gritted.

“Every day is a gamble. Something I forgot along the way,” he said, not hiding his self-derision. “And at least this way, I’ll always be on my guard.”

“Jagr…” Her words broke off in frustration. “Dammit, why are you hiding from me?”

“I’m trying to decide if you’re friend or foe.”

She flinched at the smooth response. “I’ve never been your foe.”

“No? I distinctly recall you threatening to shove a stake up my ass.”

She remembered, too.


It had been during their first encounter and at the time, she had only wanted to be rid of him.


Now her heart ached to hold him in her arms for an eternity.

“I’ve warned you that I’m not very smart.”

She thought she heard a low hiss at her words. “Why are you here, Regan?”

Knowing that this was it, her one chance to make it right, Regan spoke the words that seared across her heart.

“Because I love you.”

Jagr was centuries old.

He’d watched nations rise and fall. He’d witnessed plagues, fire, and war sweep around the world, decimating everything in its path. He’d endured torture and bloody battles that would turn any demon’s stomach.

But nothing had shattered him.

Not until Regan breathed those soft words.

His powers faltered, shredding his protective shadows and lowering his icy barriers to allow the full force of Regan’s presence to slam into him.

With a soft groan he savored the midnight jasmine that washed over him.

Over the past month he’d waged an endless war to keep himself from tracking her down and haunting her every step.

It was a vampire’s instinct to keep his mate close. Hell, there’d been a time when vampires would hold a reluctant mate prisoner in their lair.

Only the knowledge that his lurking presence might infuriate her into leaving Chicago altogether kept him away.

That, and Styx’s constant assurances that she was well guarded and seemingly content in her new life.

Now he stepped close enough to allow her precious heat to warm his frozen heart.

“What did you say?” he rasped, his gaze drinking in her pale, golden beauty.

She licked her lips in a nervous gesture. “Have your advanced years made you hard of hearing?”


She sighed at his warning tone. “I said I love you.”

He trembled, desperate to believe.


“Do I have to bring up that whole being stupid thing again?”

He ignored her teasing, needing to be certain.

He couldn’t survive losing her again.

“Tell me why.”

Without warning she moved forward, her hands lifting to frame his face.

“I love you because you’re strong and loyal and tender and honorable.”

He shuddered at her gentle touch, his too-long suppressed hunger not giving a damn if she were sincere or not.


“Sexy as hell.”

He groaned. She wasn’t helping.


The emerald eyes darkened with all the emotion he’d been seeking. “And when I’m with you, I’m whole again.”

His meager restraint snapped. She was here. She said she loved him.

What more did he need?

Leaning down, he claimed her lips in a near savage kiss.


“I’ve missed you, chief,” she whispered against his mouth, her breath catching as he abruptly jerked her off her feet and cradled her against his chest. “What are you doing?”

Without hesitation, Jagr headed into the empty warehouse. “What I should have done the minute you rammed into my life.”

She snorted, but a pleased smile curved her lips. “Very caveman of you. And for your information, any ramming was done by you.”

Wicked need curled through his stomach at her intentionally provocative words.

“You haven’t seen anything yet, little one,” he growled.

A delicious blush touched her cheeks. “Promises, promises.”

Oh, they were going to be more than promises, he silently vowed.

He was going to put her in his bed and savor her for the next millennium.

Reaching the middle of the decrepit building, Jagr bent down to tug aside the heavy trapdoor. Then, holding Regan tight in his arms, he stepped off the edge and fell the six feet to the tunnel beneath.

He landed without jarring the woman in his arms, and with long strides headed down the narrow tunnel, muttering curses as he was forced to halt at the heavy steel doors that guarded his lair.

As he disarmed the various locks, hexes, and sensors, Regan choked back a laugh.

“Yow. Paranoid much?”

“Better safe than sorry.” His gaze swept over her precious face. He would go to any lengths to protect this woman. His woman. “Especially now.”

Stepping over the threshold, Jagr slammed the door shut and used his powers to fill the long room with light. Regan gasped at the dozen rows of shelves that were overflowing with leather-bound books. It was only a small portion of his collection. The fragile and rarest manuscripts were kept in a vault beneath his lair. Soon he intended to share his priceless treasures with his mate.

Soon, but not now.

Ignoring her attempts to catch a glimpse at the numerous framed maps that lined the steel walls, he passed into his most private rooms, not surprised by her startled expression as she caught sight of the high-tech computer system that consumed one corner of the carpeted room, and the plasma TV angled toward the sectional couch.

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