Home > Darkness Revealed (Guardians of Eternity #4)(3)

Darkness Revealed (Guardians of Eternity #4)(3)
Author: Alexandra Ivy

“Cezar, I have dared the wrath of the Oracles before. I will have you strung from the rafters unless you tell me why you are here wading through this miserable collection of lust and greed.”

Cezar grimaced. For the moment Styx was merely irritated. The moment he became truly mad all sorts of bad things would happen.

The last thing he needed was a rampaging vampire scaring off his prey.

“I am charged with keeping an eye upon a potential Commission member,” he grudgingly confessed.

“Potential…” Styx stiffened. “By the gods, a new Oracle has been discovered?”

The elder vampire’s shock was understandable. Less than a dozen Oracles had been discovered in the past ten millenniums. They were the rarest, most priceless creatures to walk the earth.

“She was revealed in the prophecies nearly two hundred years ago, but the information has been kept secret among the Commission.”


“She is very young and has yet to come into her powers. It was decided by the Commission that they would wait to approach her until she had matured and accepted her abilities.”

“Ah, that I understand. A young lady coming into her powers is a painful business at times.” Styx rubbed his side as if he was recalling a recent wound. “A wise man learns to be on guard at all times.”

Cezar gave a lift of his brows. “I thought Darcy had been bred not to shift?”

“Shifting is only a small measure of a werewolf’s powers.”

“Only the Anasso would choose a werewolf as his mate.”

The fierce features softened. “Actually it was not so much a choice as fate. As you will eventually discover.”

“Not so long as I am in the rule of the Commission,” Cezar retorted, his cold tone warning that he wouldn’t be pressed.

Styx eyed him a long moment before giving a small nod. “So if this potential Commission member is not yet prepared to become an Oracle, why are you here?”

Instinctively Cezar glanced back at Anna. Unnecessary, of course. He was aware of her every movement, her every breath, her every heartbeat.

“Over the past few years there have been a number of spells that we believe were aimed in her direction.”

“What sort of spells?”

“The magic was fey, but the Oracles were unable to determine more than that.”

“Strange. Fey creatures rarely concern themselves with demon politics. What is their interest?”

“Who can say? For now the Commission is only concerned with keeping the woman from harm.” Cezar gave a faint shrug. “When you requested their presence in Chicago they charged me with the task of luring her here so I can offer protection.”

Styx scowled, making one human waiter faint and another bolt toward the nearest exit. “Fine, the girl is special. Why should you be the one forced to protect her?”

A shudder swept through Cezar. One he was careful to hide from the heightened senses of his companion.

“You doubt my abilities, my lord?”

“Don’t be an ass, Cezar. There is no one who has seen you in a fight that would doubt your abilities.” With the ease of two friends who had known each other for centuries, Styx glanced at the perfect line of Cezar’s tux jacket. They both knew that beneath the elegance were half a dozen daggers. “I have seen you slice your way through a pack of Ipar demons without losing a step. But there are those on the Commission who possess powers that none would dare to oppose.”

“Mine is not to question why, mine is but to do and die…”

“You will not be dying.” Styx sliced through Cezar’s mocking words.

Cezar shrugged. “Not even the Anasso can make such a claim.”

“Actually I just did.”

“You always were too noble for your own good, Styx.”


Awareness feathered over Cezar’s skin. Anna was headed toward a side door of the reception room.

“Go home, amigo. Be with your beautiful werewolf.”

“A tempting offer, but I will not leave you here alone.”

“I appreciate your concern, Styx.” Cezar sent his master a warning glance. “But my duty now is to the Commission and they have given me orders I cannot ignore.”

A cold anger burned in Styx’s dark eyes before he gave a grudging nod.

“You will contact me if you have need?”

“Of course.”

Anna didn’t have to look at Conde Cezar to know that he was aware of her every movement. He might be speaking to the gorgeous man who looked remarkably like an Aztec chief, but her entire body shivered with the sense of his unwavering attention.

It was time to put her plan into motion.

Her hastily thrown together, fly-by-the-seat-of-her-pants, stupidest-plan-ever plan.

Anna swallowed a hysterical laugh.

So, it wasn’t the best plan. It was more a click-your-heels-twice-and-pray-things-didn’t-go-to-hell sort of deal, but it was all that she had for the moment. And the alternative was allowing Conde Cezar to disappear for another two centuries, leaving her plagued with questions.

She couldn’t stand it.

Nearly reaching the alcove that led to a bank of elevators, Anna was halted by an arm suddenly encircling her waist and hauling her back against a steely male body.

“You haven’t changed a bit, querida. Still as beautiful as the night I first caught sight of you.” His fingers trailed a path of seduction along the bare line of her shoulder. “Although there is a great deal more on display.”

An explosion of sensations rocked through Anna’s body at his touch. Sensations that she hadn’t felt in a long, long time.

“You obviously haven’t changed either, Conde. You still don’t know how to keep your hands to yourself.”

“Life is barely worth living when I’m keeping my hands to myself.” The cool skin of his cheek brushed hers as he whispered in her ear. “Trust me, I know.”

Anna rolled her eyes. “Yeah, right.”

The long, slender fingers briefly tightened on her waist before he slowly turned her to meet his dark, disturbing gaze.

“It’s been a long time, Anna Randal.”

“One hundred and ninety-five years.” Her hand absently lifted to rub the skin that still tingled from his touch. “Not that I’m counting.”

The full, sensuous lips twitched. “No, of course not.”

Her chin tilted. Jackass. “Where have you been?”

“Did you miss me?”

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