Home > Darkness Everlasting (Guardians of Eternity #3)(11)

Darkness Everlasting (Guardians of Eternity #3)(11)
Author: Alexandra Ivy

"I also stepped between you and a deadly attack," he reminded in a cool tone.

Viper sighed. "Why do people keep claiming they saved my life?"

"No doubt because it is the truth."

"All right." The younger vampire gave a lift of his hands. "Perhaps—and I stress the perhaps—you did at least take a nasty blow meant for me, but that doesn't make you Martha Stewart."

Styx blinked in confusion. "Who?"

"Good gods, you really are out of touch. I am trying to point out that you have little experience in dealing with humans. Especially not human women."

Styx found himself gritting his teeth. No matter how good their intention might be, no one was allowed to interfere in his dealings with Darcy Smith.

He didn't know why. He only knew that it was an absolute rule.

"The girl is in no danger from me." His gaze narrowed. "And even if she was, the gargoyle could hardly halt me from harming her."

"I think Shay hoped that Levet could provide more of a ... comforting presence. It can't be easy for the woman to be kidnapped by a vampire." Viper sent him a pointed glance. "Especially a vampire who has spent the last five centuries in near isolation. Your people skills are rusty, old friend."

"And she thinks Levet is a comfort?" Styx demanded. "More likely the gargoyle will drive the poor woman mad and I shall have to take measures to save her sanity."

Viper straightened from the desk, his expression hard. "Actually Shay is quite fond of the little beast, and I should take it quite ill if anything nasty were to happen to him."

Danger prickled in the air.

"Are you threatening me?"

Viper ignored the lethal edge in Styx's voice. "I'm offering you some friendly advice." With a smooth motion, Viper crossed toward a built-in refrigerator and removed two bags of blood. After warming the bags in a microwave, he poured the blood into crystal goblets and handed one to Styx. "Now, while you're here why don't you tell me about this woman? Have you discovered why she is so important to the Weres?"

Styx drained the blood before setting aside the goblet. It had been hours since he had fed. He would have to take greater care if he was to have a human beneath his roof. He possessed exquisite control, but Darcy presented more than one temptation.

"I have discovered nothing more than the fact that she is not a woman," he confessed.

Viper gave a sound of choked surprise as he hastily set aside his own glass.

"Not a woman. Don't tell me she is actually a he."

It took a long beat for Styx to follow Viper's words. Not that he was shocked by the implication. He had lived for well over a millennium. Few things could shock him.

"No, of course not. She is ... decidedly female, but not entirely human."

"What is she?"

Styx gave an impatient shake of his head. It was bothersome to admit that he couldn't solve the mystery of Darcy's blood.

He was a vampire, for God's sake.

Blood was his specialty.

"I don't know. She smells human, and certainly behaves as a human, but she possesses traits of a demon."

Viper's expression was one of curiosity. "What sort of traits?"

"She heals far too swiftly for a mortal and has stopped aging at puberty. She also says that she is faster and stronger than most humans."

"It certainly sounds like demon blood." Viper frowned. "Surely she must know what she is."

"She claims that she has no memory of her parents or any family."

"Do you believe her?"

"Yes," Styx said firmly. "She was genuinely disturbed by her unusual powers."

Viper paced across the rare Persian rug as he considered the unexpected twist. Like Styx, he was dressed in black, although his shirt was of the finest silk and his slacks were a rich velvet. The silver-haired vampire had always enjoyed making a fashion statement. Styx had chosen a thick black sweater and leather pants with boots.

Not a fashion statement, just clothing that would cover him and not encumber him if he was forced to fight.

His one vanity was the bronze bands he had wrapped about his long braid.

Turning back, Viper gave a lift of his hands. "Mongrels are not that uncommon. Shay is one herself. But most at least have some knowledge of their ancestry. Do you think her mixed blood is why the Weres are after her?"

It had been Styx's first thought as well.

"It's impossible to say. Not until we know more."

"And what of the woman?"

"What of her?"

Viper slowly smiled. "Is she as beautiful as her photo promised?"

It was Styx's turn to pace. The mere mention of Darcy was enough to make him restless. Even worse, the image of her sweet, heart-shaped face was far too easy to conjure. As if it was lurking in his mind merely waiting for the opportunity to plague him.

"What does that matter?" he muttered. "She is my prisoner."

Viper chuckled with obvious delight. "I'm assuming that's a yes."

Styx turned, his face hard. "Yes, she is... astonishingly beautiful. As beautiful as an angel."

Viper's amusement never wavered. Damn his gall. "You don't seem nearly as pleased as you should be, my friend."

"She is... unpredictable," Styx grudgingly admitted.

"If she has any human blood at all, she is bound to be unpredictable," Viper said ruefully.

"It makes it difficult to know how to treat her."

Viper moved forward to clap his hand on Styx's shoulder. "If you have forgotten how to treat a beautiful woman, Styx, then I fear there is no hope for you."

Styx resisted the urge to toss the younger vampire across the room. It was ridiculous. He never lost control of his emotions. Never.

He could only assume his heavy responsibilities were taking more of a toll on him than he had realized.

It was at least a convenient excuse.

"I am not holding her captive for my pleasure."

"That doesn't mean you can't enjoy her presence. You have no need to live the life of a monk any longer. Why not take advantage of the situation?"

Styx's entire body hardened at the mere thought of giving in to raw lust. By the gods, he wanted to take advantage.

Warm female flesh. Fresh, innocent blood. Oh yes.

"She is only beneath my roof so that I can bargain with Salvatore," he said sharply, more to remind himself than Viper. "She will soon be gone."

Viper studied him with narrowed eyes. "What if the Weres intend to harm her? Will you still hand her over?"

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