Home > Whispered Music (London Fairy Tales #2)(12)

Whispered Music (London Fairy Tales #2)(12)
Author: Rachel Van Dyken

The sun shone brightly, reflecting off the dark blue ocean. Isabelle inhaled the salty scent of the water. The ship moaned and creaked as it moved toward the docks ahead. Men scurried about trying to ready the ship for arrival. Dominique was nowhere to be seen. Isabelle fought the edge of disappointment creeping around her heart. Why did she care where her husband was? He had made it perfectly clear that they were to have the type of marriage that the ton boasted of. An arrangement where he offered his protection and nothing else save a roof over her head, a cold bed, and no love.

She shivered, remembering the way his wicked hands smoothly caressed her body. If only he would have taken off his gloves; then again it seemed even his gloves, his clothes, his hair, everything he wore was as a shield. A cage surrounded his heart and his black soul. And she wondered if he had ever let anyone in.

“Shall we stop at Madame Buchens’ house?” a hoarse male voice asked. Isabelle walked around the corner of the ship and hid behind some boxes. Dominique stood with a few men, a rare smile plastered across his face.

She had to fight to keep from gasping in outrage. Visit a house of ill repute? “We will not have time,” Dominique answered. “Though it is a pity, wouldn’t you agree, lads?”

They chuckled in unison. An elderly sailor spoke up. “The pity is that you won’t allow us to visit the Madame without you, sire. Would be kind of ya to let us have our pick of the best whores rather than take them all fer yerself!”

The sailor smiled, revealing missing teeth, and nudged his friend next to him. “After all, a night with the great prince is a prize indeed. Last time, my girl wouldn’t stop talkin’ about him and the way he brings pleasure to a woman.”

Dominique rolled his eyes and looked away as the rest of the sailors chuckled amongst themselves. “Fine then, you gents may stay an extra night before bringing in the cargo, but only one night.”

“And will ya be joining us, sire?” the same sailor asked.

“I have a wife now.” Dominique answered, though he seemed to be irritated with having to say it. “Though I’m loath to admit it.” He chuckled and threw a pouch of money to the men. “Enjoy yourselves, since you know that I cannot.”

Blind rage poured through Isabelle. She had thought him sensitive last night, not wanting to take the one thing she had. Instead it was as if he never wanted her in the first place. Could she truly not bring him pleasure? Because of her innocence and looks? He hadn’t said as much, but she figured he found her quite unappealing to leave her alone the night previous. Well, she wasn’t one to allow everyone to suffer, and if this would put him in a more amiable mood, why not? Perhaps she could use this weakness of his as a way to coerce him into letting her return to her family, or better yet, annul the marriage!

With a huff, she walked out of hiding and into the group of men. Dominique’s features hardened, the sailors around her hushed. “Why husband, if you have such a relentless appetite, why not stay with the men? After all, it seems the whores wait for your arrival with bated breath, we wouldn’t want any of them dying of asphyxiation.”

Dominique’s cold eyes pierced through her. “Excuse us, lads, my wife is in need of being taught a lesson about spying.”

The sailors averted their gazes and scattered about as Dominique took purposeful steps toward Isabelle. Frightened, she stepped back only to come into contact with a flat, hard surface against her backside. Stuck, she looked down instead of into the rage-filled eyes of the beast.

“Look at me,” he ordered.

Slowly, Isabelle raised her eyes level with his.

“You will never disrespect me in front of the men again. If you do, it won’t be whores they’ll be spending their evenings entertaining, do I make myself clear?”

Was he suggesting he would give them use of her? Outraged, she pushed at his chest. “No, you do not make yourself clear! How could you even suggest such a thing? You would throw your virgin wife into the clutches of your crew? Without a second thought? Does my presence repulse you that much, my lord?”

A smile cracked at the corners of Dominique’s mouth, and his blue eyes looked almost cheerful. “Repulse me?” His hand reached around her neck, drawing her face closer to his. “Hmm, if this is repulsion, I find myself in agreement with your statement.” His lips descended, raining feather-light kisses along her brow before pushing her against the wall behind her. “What’s mine is mine, beauty. Although your assumptions amuse me, I feel the need to correct you.” His teeth nipped her ear as he whispered, “I meant they would be spending their nights entertaining us with dinner and music, not with my beautiful wife. After all, I have quite a talented group of men aboard this ship. I understand you wouldn’t be aware of such things, considering you are so talented at jumping to the wrong conclusions.”

Unable to speak, she nodded as his hot breath tickled the inside of her ear and his teeth nibbled again. “Now, would you please, yes I said please—and you don’t have to go stiff as a board underneath my touch when I show manners—return to Miss Ward and notify her of our arrival.”

Isabelle nodded her head.

Dominique released her and stepped away. Thinking she was free to go, she made haste in removing herself from his presence, but his hand leapt out and caught her wrist, pulling her back firmly against her chest.

“I do not share,” he barked, then aggressively turned her to face him and took possession of her mouth. His tongue bewitched hers as he drew her mouth open. He grasped her hands within his, pulling her arms around his neck. She fought against his grip and tried to pull away. But he caught her lip between his teeth. The sharp pain made her gasp and then his tongue grazed her tortured lips, plunging her into oblivion. His mouth covered hers and made her so weak, she had no choice but to hang on to him. Her hands gripped his hair. He moaned into her mouth, his tongue arching against hers with such fervor, such passion, that she could do nothing more but grasp at his jacket for balance. As abruptly as the kiss started, he ended it and pushed her away, nearly sending her tumbling.

“Be gone,” he said softly and turned to walk in the other direction.


Horrible liar that he was, Dominique had been grasping at any sort of excuse he could find for his wretched behavior. Truthfully, he had said those words about throwing his wife into the clutches of the sailors without thinking. Apparently another side effect of being with the chit. He was starting to care about hurting her feelings. It was becoming more difficult to be cross when all he wanted to do was ravish her where she stood.

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