Home > The Wolf's Pursuit (London Fairy Tales #3)(55)

The Wolf's Pursuit (London Fairy Tales #3)(55)
Author: Rachel Van Dyken

"She was brought into Scotland a day or so ago and has been waiting for communication from Dominique, but considering everything that has recently taken place, it hasn't been a smooth transition."

Gwen said nothing for a minute and then turned to him and kissed him firmly across the mouth. "So you are staying?"

"As long as you want me."

"Forever," Gwen whispered across his lips.

"That, my dear, is a long time to live with a wolf."

Gwen leaned back and winked. "I'll be sure to keep my pistol loaded."

Hunter kissed her chin. "Good. You know how I like violence before frolicking."

Another blush stained Gwen's cheeks. "Stop using that word!"

"Frolic, frolic, frolic."

"Sheep, sheep, sheep, sheep," Gwen taunted. "Wasn't that your choice word before?"

"No." Hunter shook his head seriously. "I believe I also talked a great deal about nuts and breadcrumbs. And squirrels."

"You are a strange man." Gwen sighed and then giggled.

"It is why you love me so much. Life is too predictable with other fellows. With me you'll always be guessing."

With that Hunter pulled her into his arms and dove under the blankets.

Another hour later, Gwen rubbed Hunter's back and whispered, "I love you."

"And I you…"

"Good." She sat up in the bed. "Because we have to attend Dominique and Isabelle's house for dinner tonight."

"Will Montmouth be there?"

"Oh, I hope so." Gwen winked. "Perhaps he will get his wish and finally get to shoot you."

"One can only dream," Hunter said dryly, and then attacked his insatiable wife for the third, fourth, perhaps it was the fifth time that morning.


One month later, following the battle of Waterloo

Hunter glared as Montmouth placed his pistol atop the table, as was his custom every time Hunter and Gwen came to visit. He was convinced Hunter was going to slip up at least once, giving him the pleasure of being able to steal Hunter's life from him. At least now it was a joke, or at least Hunter told himself that so he wouldn't strangle the man. They had come to an agreement of sorts. Hunter kept his flirtatious comments to his own wife, which of course had been his intention all along, and Montmouth would keep his gun out of reach.

Dominique shook his head and rolled his eyes at Hunter as Montmouth polished the gun and then began clearing his throat.

It had been one month since Ash had left in search of Dominique's cousin Sofia, and none of them had heard word about their whereabouts.

"Something has happened," Dominique said quietly to Hunter. "I am not being paranoid. Shouldn't he have contacted us by now? To at least say she was safe? That he had her?"

Dominique wasn't one to worry, but Hunter had the same fears. After all, they had just discovered not but two days ago what Ash had been doing for the past nine years, and it hadn't been taking up the arts of painting or poetry.

No, his twin, his own flesh and blood, had been a gun for hire. To be exact, an assassin for hire. Hunter had even heard of the famous Grimm, for they said every time a mark of ash was found anywhere near a person, they would die three days later, and the Grimm Reaper, or Grimm, would be responsible.

Hunter shivered. No wonder his brother had felt the need for repentance. He had spent half of his life killing people.

Dominique trusted Hunter, therefore Dominique trusted Ash, but now Hunter wasn't so sure Ash deserved that trust.

Gwen placed her hand on Hunter's shoulder and then kissed him lightly on the cheek. With a laugh, Hunter pulled her into his lap and kissed her hard across the mouth.

"Do you mind?" Montmouth roared. "We are eating!"

"I am having my dessert early," Hunter announced between kisses. Gwen laughed as she kissed him back and then the room was somewhat silent. Hunter looked up and smiled as he found Rosalind and Montmouth sharing an intimate embrace, and Dominique and Isabelle kissing as well.

It seemed, in that moment, that perhaps fairy tales did come true.

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