Home > An Unlikely Alliance (House of Renwick #2.5)(13)

An Unlikely Alliance (House of Renwick #2.5)(13)
Author: Rachel Van Dyken

"Fireflies," he repeated. "Do we have them here?"

"I'm not sure. I've never looked."

"Should we go hunting for some?"

Evelyn threw him a silly smile and shrugged. "I doubt we would find any."

"But…" he pushed himself off the floor and held out his hand. "It's an adventure, is it not?"

Her gaze met his quizzically as she put her hand in his. "Yes, I guess it is."



Two hours later they still hadn't located any fireflies, but Royce couldn't remember ever having such a wonderful time with a woman. Odd, because none of the time spent with Evelyn that night had included anything physical, unless he counted the numerous times he had tripped over rocks in his own backyard.

"I found something!" Evelyn yelled.

He ran over to her and laughed. A bunny rabbit was hopping around the tree by the garden. "I don't think we're fast enough to catch him," he said.

"You're probably not, but I am," she challenged and pushed him as she ran after the tiny animal.

Naturally, Royce felt the need to prove his manhood and run after her. Unfortunately he didn't see the giant rock near his foot and tripped, tumbling to the ground and pulling Evelyn down on top of him in the process.

He moaned in pain. "I think it got away!"

Evelyn, still on top of him, laughed. "Yes. If it weren't for your tripping, I'm convinced he would be my pet now!"

"I'll buy you a bunny, if I don't have to catch it myself!" Royce pushed the cloak from her head and tugged on a piece of stray hair. It felt like silk between his fingers. His breathing suddenly grew ragged, and he looked into her eyes.

"I'm going to kiss you now." He didn't recognize his own voice. He pulled her head closer and bestowed a quick, beautiful kiss on her pouty lips.

They were still only inches away from one another, when she whispered, "What do you miss the most?"

"About?" His arms encircled her small waist as he prayed she would stay on top of him forever. The conversation felt sweeter, more intimate that way.

"About your father."

The question took him by surprise. He didn't know how to answer. In all these years, nobody had ever asked him how he was dealing with his father's death. Everyone just assumed he was doing poorly and hadn't wanted to bother him with emotional questions. Not Evelyn.

"Everything," he choked out.

"It gets better."

And she would know. Earlier he had heard she'd lost her mother at a young age.

"It's better now," he managed to whisper as he went in for another kiss. "I'll take you home now."

She nodded and moved off him. Never had his body felt so cold and alone as when Evelyn De Jarlias withdrew from him.

This girl was different, and he wanted more than a seduction, more than to marry for his mother's wishes. He wanted a wife, for himself.


Evelyn walked home in a blurry haze of excitement. One minute she was chasing a rabbit; in the next she was on top of Royce alternating talking about his father and kissing.

When had she become so wanton? His kisses were addictive, much like warm chocolate or cream puffs. Once you had a taste, you never wanted to stop.

"Oh, perfect, Evelyn," she muttered to herself; comparing him to food was so like her. She shook her head. Momentarily forgetting Royce was walking right beside her, grinning from ear to ear.

"And how's the conversation with yourself going, sweetheart?"

"Fine." Evelyn smiled her sweetest and bit her nails. Then she did a mock curtsy and turned away, staring only at the sidewalk in front of her as he guided her along the street back to her home.


She glared at him but decided not to satisfy his teasing with a response. Once they reached the door to her house, she braced herself against another one of his sensual barrages. In pure suspense of it all, she nearly missed a step and had to grab on to him for support. Unfortunately, the first thing her hand touched was the rock-hard muscle of his arms, making her knees grow weaker than before.

"S-s-sorry," she mumbled. She straightened her cloak and silently stepped inside.

Exhaling, she turned to close the door and came face to face with Royce. Apparently, he wasn't leaving just yet.

"One more thing." Lingering dangerously close to her lips, he caressed the side of her face and grinned. "I have to say good night."

Evelyn began to protest but was silenced by the warm invasion of his lips. Forsaking all propriety, her body curved into his. The kiss lasted all of three seconds, but was hot enough to singe the hair straight off a hog.

Royce steadied her, then flicked her chin and let himself out. It must have been at least ten minutes before the sluggish brain of hers came back full force and told her it was time to crawl into bed, lest she fall asleep standing up.

Somehow she made it into her room and fell asleep with a giant smile on her face.

Chapter Ten

"Morning," a voice interrupted Evelyn's sleep. Must have been a figment of her overactive imagination.

Stretching like a cat, she yawned and pushed herself out of bed. Her body hit something hard. She opened her eyes and gasped. Standing in front of her was Royce, fully clothed and smiling like a lion that had just caught his prey.

She felt her face heat as she realized her state of dress. "Royce McArthur! I'm barely dressed!" Seething, she sank into her bed and threw the covers over her head.

"We're going on a picnic," he announced, nonplussed by her outburst.

"I don't care!" She sunk even lower into her mattress with sheer embarrassment.

It took all the strength she had not to squeal when she felt Royce weigh down the left side of the bed as he took a seat beside her.

"Are you going to hide in there all morning? I mean, I don't mind playing hide-and-seek if the final result is I end up in your bed, but I thought you would want to know our parents have planned a full day's excursion picnicking and shopping—and, of course, they are unchaperoned."

Evelyn sighed and pulled down the covers only far enough to reveal her large eyes. Although she hated to admit it, concern etched in her voice as she spoke. "You mean they're going out two days in a row? Together?"

He nodded as he inched his hand close to where she was gripping the blankets the tightest. "Tsk, tsk, Evelyn. You won't be one of those brides who hides under the covers, will you? We can't have that."

What did he mean we? "It's February."

"Your knowledge of the calendar is astonishing! Say, do you have the months memorized?"

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