Home > Lucky Stars (Ghosts and Reincarnation #5)(92)

Lucky Stars (Ghosts and Reincarnation #5)(92)
Author: Kristen Ashley

Jensen visibly relaxed and his grin spread right before he cut in and assured, “I know what you meant, man, and I know it wasn’t disrespect.” He clapped Jack on the shoulder stoutly and his grin widened into a smile. “Glad to see my girl’s got herself a good man. ‘Handle her with care’,” he muttered. “I like that, I should write a song about that.” Then he looked around Jack toward the door and shouted, “Girl, where’s my coffee!”

Jack had no chance to say another word as Jensen rounded him and marched to the door.

However he had a feeling his Sunday with Belle was no longer just his.

And he was right.

* * * * *

“Jenny!” Rachel shouted as she flew through the enormous entrance hall of The Point and threw herself in Jensen’s arms.

Belle and Jack followed Jensen inside, Gretl and Baron trotting in with them heading straight toward the kitchen and food.

Jack watched as his mother, Lila, Yasmin and a big, strange, white-haired man wearing a kilt and a dark-haired woman wearing an effusive number of scarves and silver jewellery wandered in behind Rachel.

Then his eyes swung to Jensen and Rachel and he saw, to his shock, they were shamelessly necking in the entrance hall.

Shamelessly and passionately.

And, after this went on for a while, Jack realised they were necking shamelessly, passionately and, apparently, tirelessly.

For the first time in three and a half weeks, Jack found himself chuckling.

When he did, Belle’s head twisted sharply to face him, her eyes narrowed and his chuckle became laughter.

Then she looked back to her mother and cried, “Mom!”

Rachel, slowly (very slowly), realised she had an audience and she broke from her lip lock with Jensen but she didn’t move away.

Cuddling Jensen, her fingers playing with the collar of his jacket, her head resting on his shoulder, she looked at her daughter, a smile on her face and muttered, “Sorry honeypot.”

“I’m not sorry,” Jensen grinned unrepentant at his daughter, his arm around Rachel. “It’s been too long, little girl.”

Belle made a frustrated noise and Jack’s arm, already around her shoulders, curled and he pulled her into his side.

“Oops!” Rachel all of a sudden uttered and looked up at Jensen. “Jenny, we’re not allowed to embarrass Bellerina.”

Jensen looked down at Rachel but his eyebrows went up, “Says who?”

“Says Jack,” Rachel replied. “He’s kind of protective of Belle and he’s forbidden it.”

“Yeah,” Jensen was still grinning. “I got that impression right off.”

“Really?” Rachel asked curiously, twisting so her front was plastered against Jensen’s and her arms went around his waist. “What happened?”

“I’m sure we’d all like to know but perhaps you two can cotton onto the fact that there are other beings in the universe so that everyone can meet Jensen,” Lila broke in and Jack chuckled again.

“This isn’t funny,” Belle whispered at his side and he looked down at her.

“Poppet, you’re wrong,” Jack whispered back, a grin on his face and it didn’t leave even when he bent his head to touch his grinning lips to her pursed ones.

Introductions were made including Jack meeting Angus and Cassandra. Then they moved, everyone settled in the morning room and Joy ran out to see to refreshments.

“How you getting on, lass?” Angus boomed gently when they were all seated.

His question was for Belle but strangely his eyes were on Jack.

As were Cassandra’s.

“I’m okay, Angus,” Belle answered, busy with pressing the hem of her skirt over her knees, her head bent and she didn’t notice Angus wasn’t looking at her.

“You?” Angus barked at Jack and Jack inclined his head.

Angus was studying him intently and Jack didn’t like it.

Jack had no way of saying anything, not in company, so he held the Scotsman stare and he didn’t laugh when Jensen declared, “It’s all going to be okay now ‘cause I’m here.”

Belle’s head came up and she smiled at her father.

“Oh lordy,” Rachel muttered. She was cuddling so closely with Jensen in the corner of the couch opposite Jack and Belle that she was nearly in his lap. Then her eyes came to Jack and she said, “I hope this place is fortified. Jensen can be a bit wild.”

Jack opened his mouth to speak but Jensen beat him to it.

“That gives me an idea! Let’s have a party!”

“Jenny, we’re not having a party,” Lila decreed.

“Woman, we’re havin’ a party.” His gaze swung to Jack and he attempted to enlist reinforcements. “Jack, my man, you agree we could use a party, doncha?”

“I’m not sure we’re ready for a party,” Jack replied and Jensen’s brows drew together.

Then he informed Jack, “Dude, when things get heavy, a party’s the only way to go.”

“Daddy,” Belle said quietly, “I’m not really in the mood for a party.”

Jensen’s gaze went to his daughter, his brow unfurrowed, his eyes went soft and he gave in immediately, “All right, baby. No party.”

At that moment, Jack decided he liked Jensen Abbot.

Rachel popped out of her chair and pulled Jensen up with her then she wrapped her arms around his waist and suggested, “How about a one-on-one party, you and me, right now?”

“Oh my goodness gracious,” Belle whispered.

“Now you’re talkin’!” Jensen shouted.

“Holy heck,” Belle breathed.

“We’ll be back in an hour,” Rachel told the congregation with no embarrassment whatsoever and she led Jensen out of the room.

“More like twelve,” Lila muttered under her breath then called after the departing pair, “See you at breakfast!”

They heard Rachel’s giggle and Jensen’s laugh as Joy rushed back in.

“What’d I miss?” Jack’s mother asked excitedly.

“Well, we’re not having a party and, apparently, Jensen and Rachel are off for a twelve hour sex-a-thon,” Yasmin answered. “Other than that, you didn’t miss much.”

“Ah,” Joy sat in the corner of the couch Jensen and Rachel just vacated and went on dreamily, “Young love.”

“Joy, they’re both fifty-five years old,” Lila told her.

Joy looked at Belle, winked and amended, “Ah, young-at-heart love.”

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