Home > Penmort Castle (Ghosts and Reincarnation #1)(125)

Penmort Castle (Ghosts and Reincarnation #1)(125)
Author: Kristen Ashley

“If you’d paid attention this morning, son, not only would Abby not have wrecked your car but I would have guided you to Vivianna’s Book of Shadows,” Anthony noted mysteriously, his words causing Cash’s body to grow still, his eyes never leaving Vivianna.

“It’s hidden behind a secret panel in one of the bookshelves of the library,” Lorna put in. She, too, didn’t take her eyes from Vivianna and stayed close to the bound ghost.

“Vivianna’s invincible… almost,” Anthony noted. “Only her Book of Shadows holds the secret to her demise.”

“And that would be?” Cash, his eyes also locked on Vivianna, asked.

“Her death has to be re-enacted,” Ben answered.

Cash replied instantly, “She committed suicide.”

Cash and Abby were moving round in a slow half-circle watching as Angus and Cassandra positioned Vivianna to the edge of the tower closest to the tor. Once there the three other ghosts and Zee moved in.

“She didn’t commit suicide,” Lorna said quietly.

“She didn’t?” Abby whispered.

“She poisoned her ex-lover’s wife. Killed her,” Anthony picked up the story. “In order to commence her plan to rain terror on Penmort throughout eternity, she drew him up here and confessed to the crime. In a rage, he threw her over the side,” Anthony told them and Abby gasped.

Then Abby gasped again as Angus whipped the lasso over Vivianna’s head, freeing her, and Cassandra dropped her wand, the gossamer thread disappearing.

They both stepped away.

“Cash!” Abby cried even as she felt and saw Cash’s body get tense.

But Vivianna was going nowhere. She was pinned to the spot, hovering several feet off the ground with Ben, Anthony and Lorna’s hands extended to her somehow, though Abby had no clue how, they were imprisoning her.

“You’re safe, love,” Anthony’s voice was gentle and it reminded her exactly of Cash’s (except, of course, with an English accent rather than a Scottish one) as it slid through the air all around her. Anthony went on. “There’s a reason Vivianna didn’t appear before any of the masters of this castle.”

“Because they can touch her,” Abby guessed.

“Yes, dear,” Lorna affirmed, “they can touch her. She’s only vulnerable to a master of Penmort.”

“You have to push her over the side,” Ben informed Cash and Abby’s hands came up to clutch Cash’s waist.

Ben’s eyes dropped to her hands and she pulled them quickly away.

Then Abby heard, “She doesn’t love you.”

Abby’s head shot up and she stared at Vivianna. The spirit’s eyes were pained and afraid and they were staring beseechingly at Cash.

“She’ll never love you,” Vivianna’s voice, strangely pleasant and warm, filled the air. Even so, Abby felt a cold chill slide across her skin that had nothing to do with the frosty night. “She’ll always love him.” Her head moved to motion to Ben and Abby felt her chest grow tight.

“Push her,” Ben urged.

“I love you. I’ve always loved you,” Vivianna told Cash and Abby bit her lip, feeling her body tremble, knowing this reaction too had nothing to do with the bitter night. “I’ll always love you.”

“Damn it, man, push her!” Ben demanded, eyes on Abby.

Cash took a step forward and Vivianna quailed.

“You deserve better!” she cried desperately and Cash stopped.

Abby’s eyes slid to Cash’s face and she saw he was listening, he didn’t like what he was hearing and worst of all, it was penetrating.

Abby felt her pulse start beating wildly in her throat and blood started rushing to her ears because of course this would penetrate. Cash knew how she felt about Ben. He’d thrown it in her face during their first, colossal fight.

He just didn’t know how she felt now.

Vivianna carried on. “You deserve someone who loves you, who’ll take care of you, who wants no one but you, who longs for no one but you!”

“Shut it, ghosty,” Angus growled but Vivianna ignored him.

“Her heart belongs to another man. It always will. She’ll never feel that way for you, my love, my dearest heart. Never!” Vivianna wailed.

Abby could take no more, putting her hands over her ears and stomping her foot, she shouted, “Stop it!”

Vivianna’s eyes moved to Abby and she spat, “You’ll never be good enough for him!”

Abby took her hands from her ears, planted them on her hips, stepped clear of Cash and leaned forward, shouting, “I know! That doesn’t mean I don’t love him!”

The air and all of the beings on the roof went deathly still.

Abby, beside herself and definitely not in control of her own actions (most specifically her mouth), turned to Cash. “I love you, all right?” She was still shouting, not the least bit romantically, not that it mattered. She was in the iron jaws of the freak out to end all freak outs and she didn’t notice Cash’s body jolt at her words but instead jabbered on, “I know it sounds stupid, we’ve only known each other a short time and blah, blah, blah.” Abby circled her hand in the air like an idiot and kept rattling away. “Doesn’t matter, I know what I feel. I knew it with Ben the minute I saw him, I knew it with you.” Abby turned to Vivianna. “So, you can go straight to hell, okay? You don’t know what you’re talking about. You’re just mean and nasty and a poor loser! Haunting a castle for centuries and killing people because your boyfriend broke up with you. Who does that?”

“Abby,” Cash called, interrupting Abby’s rant and her eyes cut to him.

“What?” she snapped.

“Come here, darling,” he demanded quietly.

“I don’t want to. I’m freaking out. All right? And I’m cold. And I need a drink. Tequila. Stat.” she turned back to Vivianna and threatened, “And if one, single bugle bead on these shoes is missing after tonight’s fiasco I’m holding you responsible.” She finished while jabbing her finger in Vivianna’s direction.

“Abby,” Cash called again and Abby’s eyes sliced back to him.

“What?” she shrieked.

“I said, come here.”

Abby rolled her eyes heavenward, sighed heavily and stomped the two feet to Cash.

His hand came up and his fingers curled around her neck as his chin tipped down to look at her.

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