Home > At Peace (The 'Burg #2)(153)

At Peace (The 'Burg #2)(153)
Author: Kristen Ashley

That poison agitated even deeper in his gut. “Colt –”

“I didn’t know things would change, I didn’t know they’d do it as fast as they did and, sorry, man, but once they did, I couldn’t be sure it’d take,” Colt went on.

“What the f**k?” Cal asked.

“Vi’s been getting gifts,” Sully said quickly and Cal’s eyes sliced to him.

“I know,” Cal told him.

“Every day for nearly three months,” Haines put in and Cal took a step back in order to put distance between him and his friends so he could get control.

This took some doing but when he accomplished it, he whispered, “What?”

“I didn’t know either, Cal,” Haines bit off and his eyes cut to Colt and Cal knew that Colt had been having an uncomfortable morning.

Cal’s eyes cut to Colt too and he ground out, “Explain.”

“You two were focused on Vi and I needed focus on the problem,” Colt said.

“So you kept this shit from me?” Cal asked, now his voice was quiet but it was a different kind of quiet from Colt’s.

“I made a call,” Colt stated.

“It was the wrong one,” Cal clipped.

“You disappeared for over two months, man, remember?” Colt shot back.

“I wouldn’t have, I knew she was gettin’ gifts,” Cal returned.

“Bullshit,” Colt muttered.

Cal moved and Sully moved too, coming between Colt and Cal.

“Not gonna help things, Cal, you know that. Stand down and listen,” Sully said softly.

Cal’s eyes were over Sully’s shoulder and on Colt.

“Haines was here, why’d you keep it from him?” Cal asked.

“Focus,” Colt answered.

“You are so full of shit,” Cal bit off.

“Fuck it, Cal, you’re talkin’ to a man who knows what losin’ focus means!” Colt snapped. “I let Feb talk me out of protective custody the day we shoulda gone into custody, the day before my woman, f**k, my women got kidnapped and taken hostage. One of them was shot. Another one spent months in counseling. That day one man got dead, another man shot, another man shot and hacked to shit. It coulda been worse. I know the importance of keepin’ fuckin’ focus.” It sucked but Cal had to give him that and Colt went on. “Neither of you had it. Sully and I do.”

Cal stared at Colt then stepped back. Sully stepped away. Haines pulled in a breath and let it out.

“Keep goin’,” Cal growled.

“Things have changed,” Colt explained.

“Yeah? How?” Cal demanded to know.

“Gifts stopped,” Sully said.

“When?” Cal asked.

“Day the brother was murdered,” Colt told him.

“But he’s still active?” Cal pushed and they all looked at him.

Then Haines moved. Leaning into Colt’s desk he slid a manila envelope off it and handed it to Cal. Cal took it and Haines started talking.

“Got that in my mail at home yesterday,” Haines said.

Cal looked from Haines to the envelope.

“It been printed?” Cal asked.

“Yeah,” Haines replied.

“Get anything?” Cal went on, knowing the answer.

“Nope,” Haines gave him the answer he knew.

Cal opened the envelope, pulled out a picture, looked at it and felt his mouth get tight.

It was black and white, taken with a telephoto no doubt, Haines and Vi standing by Vi’s Mustang. Haines had his hands at her jaws, his head bent forward, Vi’s head was bent back and they were kissing.

Scrawled on the bottom of the photo in black marker was “Make sure this was good-bye”.

Colt twisted and took another envelope from his desk and handed it to Cal.

“I got that in my mail yesterday too,” he said, “it’s been printed.”

Cal opened the envelope and slid out another picture. It was black and white and it was of Vi and him two days ago standing in the drive in the door of her Mustang. It was when she told him she’d do anything he wanted. They were in a tight clinch, mouths locked, going at it.

Scrawled across the bottom of that photo was “Tell him he’s gone or he’s next”.

Cal closed his eyes and muttered, “Fuck.”

“Open threats,” Sully said, “new.”

“Barry Pryor know about these?” Cal asked, leaning around Colt and tossing the photos on his desk.

“Yep,” Colt said.

“What’s he think?”

“Thinks you and Vi and the girls should consider protective custody,” Colt replied.

Cal’s brows went up. “You offerin’ that?”

Colt bit his lower lip, something he did when he was pissed. Sully shuffled his feet. Haines made a noise like a growl.

“Talked to the Chief. Don’t have the resources,” Colt told him.

“So it’s vigilance,” Cal deduced.

“Squads on the street, escorts for you, Vi and the girls,” Sully said.

“You got the resources for that?” Cal asked.

“Nope, just talked to the crew. They’re in. It won’t be constant but they’ll do what they can,” Colt’s eyes caught Cal’s. “Chief doesn’t need to know,” Colt shared.

“You got a gun?” Haines asked.

“Yeah, but it’s not sittin’ out in the open with Vi and her girls,” Cal answered.

“Her girls are old enough to know better,” Sully put in.

“Still not doin’ it,” Cal stated.

“Man, their Dad was a cop. They gotta be used to it,” Haines noted.

“Yeah, maybe with Tim they were used to it. With me they aren’t and I make my gun visible, they’ll know somethin’s up,” Cal returned.

“You aren’t gonna tell them?” Colt asked, his voice surprised.

“Fuck no,” Cal answered.

“You’re shittin’ me,” Haines muttered.

“You’d tell them?” Cal asked and Haines held his gaze then a muscle jumped in his jaw. “That’s what I thought,” Cal said quietly.

“Gonna be hard to give them escorts if you don’t tell them,” Sully pointed out.

“They won’t have escorts, they’ll have tails and it’ll be up to you and your crew to keep themselves invisible,” Cal replied.

“Cal, I can see you wanna keep Kate and Keira in the dark, feelin’ safe, but Vi –” Colt started and Cal looked at him.

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