Home > Until the Sun Falls from the Sky (The Three #1)(39)

Until the Sun Falls from the Sky (The Three #1)(39)
Author: Kristen Ashley

Only I was allowed to show my body to who I wanted to show it to when I was in the mood to show it.

Okay, so it could be argued that he’d had his tongue in my mouth (more than once), and his hand in my pants (again more than once), and he’d sucked my blood (also more than once), and he controlled my mind (way too many times, which meant twice, which was two times too many).

But this was taking it too far.

While my head was preparing to explode, the bedroom door opened and Lucien strode in.

When I saw him, I was so shocked, my fury vanished and I came up on a forearm to get a better look.

He was wearing faded, well-worn jeans and a tight-fitting, long-sleeved white t-shirt.

I’d never seen him in anything but a suit (and his pajamas, of course). And, I’d never seen him in anything but dark colors.

I didn’t think he was the type of guy to wear something as everyday normal as jeans and a tee.

And he looked good in them. No, great.

Even better than the suit.


My mouth started watering.

His eyes went lazy and he grinned.

My heart skipped a beat at seeing that look I liked way too damn much about one second before I remembered I hated him and he’d taken my clothes off me the night before.

“You’re awake,” he commented, walking around the bed while I watched him.

I remembered my plan and Obedient Leah kicked in instantly.

The game was afoot.

“Yes,” I answered, clutching the covers to my chest.

He stopped at my side and in a flash he’d plucked me out of the bed, sat on the edge and had me settled in his lap.

Seeing as I still wasn’t used to his incomprehensible speed, not to mention I was mostly naked, this freaked me out.

Luckily, his arms were around me and he was pressing my torso to his chest, hiding my nudity.

“Did you sleep well, pet?” he asked softly in my ear.

I nodded.

His lips went to my neck where he muttered, “Good.”

Then they slid around to my throat.

His mouth felt nice, too nice. So nice, I couldn’t control my tremble.

“I like that,” he muttered against my throat.


His lips came to mine, his eyes open and watching me as he answered, “When you tremble in my arms.”

What did you say to that?

I didn’t know so I just mumbled, “Oh.”

I felt his mouth smile against mine.

With him in his gentle mood I was losing my will to play games. My will preferred to throw itself bodily at him and rip his fantastic looking jeans and tee off his equally fantastic looking body and have my way with him.

In an effort at control, I asked, “Did you sleep well?”

His head moved back a couple of inches and one hand came up, fingers sifting through my hair at my temple and back, pulling it away from my face while his eyes watched.

When his fingers had glided the length of my hair down my back, his arm curled around me again and he said, “My first good night’s sleep in the last week.”

This admission surprised me. I couldn’t imagine anything causing the Mighty Lucien to lose sleep.

It surprised me so much my head tilted to the side and I enquired with genuine curiosity, “Why haven’t you been sleeping well?”

His arms grew tighter before he answered, “At first it was anticipation for your Bloodletting. After your initiation, it was concern because the wound wasn’t healing swiftly. Then, my pet, I found it difficult sleeping beside you.”

My heart lurched even though my brain reminded it that it should be rejoicing. Another collision of sensations that wasn’t exactly pleasurable.

“You have difficulty sleeping with me?” My question was a whisper.

His hand slid up my na**d back to capture a lock of hair and I felt him start twisting. This felt nice too.

It always did when he did that.

“It’s your scent, Leah. It’s intoxicating.” His mouth came to mine and brushed my lips before he pulled back again, a grin tugging the corners of his mouth as he continued, “Especially when you’re aroused. Your natural scent mixed with the scent of your sex is overpowering.” My body went stiff and his arms gave me a squeeze before he finished, losing the fight with his smile, “In a good way.”

I examined his arrogant, self-satisfied smile while briefly considering karate chopping him on the shoulder.

However, this would probably be as effective as a gnat landing on him.

Instead, I asked solicitously, “Would you prefer if I bathed before going to bed, darling?”

I saw his eyes flash, I wasn’t certain if it was anger or amusement, before his head bent to the side and his mouth was again at my neck.

“Only if I’m bathing with you,” he answered.

Damn. That was a good comeback.

“Whatever you want,” I replied dutifully.

“Mm,” he murmured effectively, so effectively the timbre slid across my skin, making me shiver. “I like that idea. Maybe I’ll only allow you to bathe when you’re with me.”

Oh my God.

Now what had I done?

I had no choice. I had to go with it.

Trying to keep my voice even, I enquired, “Do you want to do that now?”

I felt his tongue touch my neck and that made me shiver too.

Then he said, “Not now. I’m hungry.”

A sudden bolt of electricity slammed between my legs giving me an off the charts happy tingle.

He wanted to feed. And I wanted him to feed. I despised that I did but I also couldn’t deny it.

“You’re hungry?”

“Yes,” he said against my neck and then lifted his head to look at me. “Your choice today, Leah, in here or in the kitchen.”

He wanted to feed in the kitchen?


That was crazy! What if Edwina walked in?

“If we do it in the kitchen, what if Edwina walks in?”

His brows drew together. “She’ll have to be there, unless you intend to cook for me.”

“Cook for you?” I parroted stupidly, finding that idea both intriguing and terrifying.

I mean, I know how to cook. And the idea of cooking for Lucien was kind of nice even though that admission further proved my insanity. But what if I messed it up? This I did a lot, especially when I tried something fancy and I doubted Lucien ate non-fancy food.

And anyway, why were we talking about cooking?

He studied me while these thoughts chased themselves through my head before saying, “You can cook, Leah. You can do what you like. It’s your house, not Edwina’s. Are you saying you want to cook?”

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