Home > With Everything I Am (The Three #2)(134)

With Everything I Am (The Three #2)(134)
Author: Kristen Ashley

Always ready for him, his Sonia.

She was perfect.

He touched her, her h*ps jerked immediately and she whimpered softly.

He smiled against her nipple then sucked deeper.

With his hand between her legs, Sonia arched over his other arm and, his mouth alternating between her br**sts, he took her there. He listened as she came quietly (for once). She pulled in a soft breath and held it as he felt her sex clutch the two fingers he had embedded inside her and he rolled his tongue around her nipple as his thumb pressing against her sweet spot prolonged her release.

When she relaxed against him and her hands holding his head became fingers stroking his hair. He lifted his head and stared at his pretty, little queen, her beautiful, heated body exposed to him, her face soft, eyes hooded, gazing at him contentedly and for once he could forget his future and feel at peace with his cruel fate.

His hand gently slid away from between her legs, he gathered her closer and murmured, “You know I love you, baby doll?”

She nodded as her hands slid down through his hair so she was holding his neck. “You know I love you, wolf?”

He didn’t answer, he kissed her lightly.

“You’re still hard,” she whispered against his mouth.

“Your sweet ass is in my lap,” he explained, grinning against hers.

She grinned back before asking, “Do you want me to –?”

He cut her off. “Later.”

He had things to do. When she put her mouth on him, he wanted her to take her time which was how she preferred it too.

“Okay,” she breathed, catching his meaning and her eyes, even after just coming, were again hungry.



He heard Ryon’s approach as did she and she straightened while he pulled her robe closed.

Then her eyes flew to his and she hissed softly, “God, Callum! I smell like sex.”

Callum’s grin changed and he said smugly, “Yes, you do.”

She only had the chance to glare at him before Ryon hit the door.

When Callum looked at his cousin all thoughts, pleasant and smug, left his head.

“Hmm,” Sonia mumbled, also looking at Ryon. “This appears to be my cue to go get a shower.”

She turned Callum’s face to her with a gentle hand at his jaw, taking his mind from his duties and bringing it back to her. Something she also made a habit of doing lately and something that he also liked.

She gave him a quick kiss and an understanding smile before scrambling out of his lap. Pulling her robe tight around her she tossed another smile at the frowning Ryon as she walked across the room and with one last look at Callum, she closed the door behind her.

Ryon stood at the front of the desk and remained silent, his ear turned partially to the door waiting for Sonia to be out of earshot.

This, Callum didn’t take as a good sign and he felt his jaw go hard.

After several long moments, Ryon tossed the two file folders he was holding on Callum’s clean desk. Sonia had taken to keeping it ordered which was a blessing and a curse. A curse because he never knew where anything was. A blessing because he had to find Sonia to ask when he needed something.

The files skidded and came to rest on the cleared blotter.

“Both of those came in this morning,” Ryon announced in a low voice but Callum didn’t touch the files. He just watched his cousin silently and Ryon continued, “The results of the analysis of Sonia’s medication came in some time ago. But, in the end, I had to find one of our own to do it. I didn’t understand it but what I did understand made me dig deeper. I gave it to Orphenon.”

A muscle flexed in Callum’s jaw but he still didn’t speak.

“Orphenon called me the minute he, personally, finished a second analysis. He couldn’t believe Sonia was being injected with that cocktail and I asked him to research it. I gave him her medical records and he looked into it. Then he did it more, talking to colleagues and even professors he studied under.”

Finally Callum spoke. “I’m not thrilled that you shared Sonia’s illness with others without asking me, Ry.”

Ryon leaned forward and put his hands on Callum’s desk. “And I knew you wouldn’t be that’s why I didn’t tell you.” When Callum opened his mouth to speak, Ryon got there before him. “Her illness doesn’t exist, Cal.”

Callum closed his mouth and his chest tightened.

“Sorry?” he asked quietly.

Ryon leaned further into his hands and hissed, “It doesn’t exist.”

Callum also leaned forward in his chair. “I saw it happen to her. I felt her body. She was burning up. She was f**king roasting.”

“I can’t explain that,” Ryon replied.

“It’s rare,” Callum reminded him.

“It’s not rare, Cal. It… doesn’t… exist. It isn’t in any medical literature. No one’s bloody heard of it.”

“That’s impossible,” Callum returned.

“It’s true,” Ryon shot back and, pointing at the folders on Callum’s desk, demanded, “Look at the report, top folder.”

Callum did as he was asked, opening the folder and seeing on top a lab report identifying the various components in Sonia’s medicine. The entire page was filled with the list and most of it made little sense but, at the top, the three items which made up the largest parts of the substance were easily identifiable.

“What the f**k?” he muttered.

“Human estrogen, werewolf estrogen and human testosterone,” Ryon clipped.

“Why the bloody hell would they inject her with werewolf estrogen and human testosterone?” Callum asked tersely.

“Who f**king knows?” Ryon replied. “Orphenon can’t believe her system would even take a wolf hormone. He says some of the other things on that list are toxic to humans. Long-term use would be deadly.”

It took all of Callum’s self-control not to come out of his chair.

Instead, his hands simply balled into fists and he fought back the instant prickling of his skin.

“That’s not it,” Ryon continued, watching Callum closely.

“What?” Callum barked.

Ryon didn’t delay. “Calder’s boys finally discovered the source of who leaked the information to the rebels that Sonia is your queen.”

Callum felt a chill slide up his spine before he prompted, “And that would be?”


Callum stood so fast, his chair flew back toward the grate of the fire. His fury was palpable, his blood boiling, his mind focused on two things – halting the change and making someone pay.

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