Home > Three Wishes(114)

Three Wishes(114)
Author: Kristen Ashley

“Lily-child…” He felt moisture in his eyes and didn’t know what it was for a moment before he blinked it away. Then it dawned on him it was tears. Fazire, the great genie, was crying. He hoped that didn’t get out, he’d never, in eternity (literally), live that down. “Use it,” he implored and at the tone of his voice, Lily’s body stilled.

Then her face burrowed deeper into his neck and she spoke the words against his skin.

“Fazire, I wish to be married to Nathaniel McAllister, today, right here, right now, in the Registry Office in Bath.”

Fazire pulled gently out of her arms and she stood before him, eyes shimmering with tears locked with his, she lifted her hands up in front of her and held them clenched together in despair as her lips pressed tight against each other to fight the tears.

Then grandly, using his best genie voice, Fazire said, “Lily-child, your wish is my command.”

Then he smiled at her sadly, lifted his hand and snapped.

Then the Great Genie Fazire disappeared.

Chapter Twenty-Seven


Lily sat on an elegant settee waiting, Tash resting heavily against her side, Maxine on her other side holding her hand.

Nate had demanded to talk to the Registrar and had disappeared behind a closed door.

Tash had noticed instantly, after her father left, that Fazire was gone and she’d asked after him. Lily had lied, trying for a brave face, telling her that Fazire had forgotten something and would be back in no time. Lily would break the news to Tash later. Soon, she knew, Tash’s mind would be on other, happier things and Lily didn’t have the heart to ruin her day any more than it already was.

Lorna came forward and handed Lily her bouquet made of full, white, fat, fragrant peonies, Becky’s favourite flower.

“Just in case,” Lorna whispered hopefully and moved quietly away.

“I wish your grandparents were here,” Lily said to Tash, holding the bouquet to her nose.

“They are,” Tash glanced at Laura and Victor.

Lily smiled, it was small and sad but genuine.

“Your other grandparents, doll baby.”

Tash snuggled into Lily’s side, wrapped her thin arm around Lily’s waist and gave her a firm squeeze. “Me too.”

And I wish Fazire was here, Lily thought fervently, throwing her thought out to the void, desperately hoping that the Great Grand Genie Number One monitored wayward wishes and granted them on a whim, even as she knew he did not (Fazire would have told her, the Great Grand Genie Number One wasn’t much on humans, even though those he oversaw served them).

Vehemently in her head, she went on. I wish Fazire was here to see me married. I wish Tash could have a wish from Fazire and her child too and on and on, forever. That’s what I wish for myself, for my daughter, for my line but mostly it’s what I wish for my beloved Fazire.

The door opened and Nate came out with the girl from the Registry Office. They were, Lily was not surprised to see, smiling.

“There’s been a cancellation,” the girl announced.

There were cries of happiness and cheers of joy. Tash jumped up and ran across the room, throwing herself bodily at Nate who grinned without reservation at his daughter. He picked her up and swung her around as Tash laughed with sheer delight. Along with his unguarded grin, Nate’s face was relieved and joyous.

That was when Lily knew she did the right thing.

However, she couldn’t help but think it was wrong.

* * * * *

Nate and Lily sat in front of the long, gleaming table.

Victor and Maxine sat at one end, the official witnesses to the marriage; they’d eventually sign the marriage certificate. The Registrar sat opposite Nate and Lily.

“Shall we get started?” the Registrar asked, smiling at the couple.

Lily nodded and turned her head to Nate. He was sitting beside her but seemed far away. As if he felt her thoughts, his hand came out and grabbed hold of hers in a strong, reassuring grip.

Lily bit back tears.

Fazire, can you see me? She silently asked no one.

There was no response.

I hope you can see me, see what you’ve done. She thought.

“Ladies and gentlemen, we are gathered here today –” the Registrar began.

Then pandemonium struck.

The closed doors at the back of the room slammed open loudly, banging with force against the walls and a man walked in.

Not just any man.

He was a man wearing a gold fez, gold earrings, gold armbands, a gold bolero vest, gold flowy pants and gold curly-toed shoes. He had black hair, a black, pointy goatee and what looked like black kohl around his eyes. He was walking on the ground but he looked disgusted at this act, as if his feet should be treading on clouds.

“Excuse me! We’re in the middle of a ceremony,” the Registrar was standing and Lily noted belatedly that Nate had let her hand go and was also standing. Lily also noted, with some alarm, that Nate had a face that could only be described as thunderous.

“What on earth?” Lily heard Laura ask.

Behind the golden genie came more genies, one, two, three, a half a dozen, two dozen, four dozen, all in the same outlandish outfit but in different, vibrant, contrasting, loud colours.

They filed in, as the Registrar blustered, “Excuse me! What is the meaning of this?”

More genies came through until they filled the room, sitting in the open chairs, squeezing around the sides, down the aisle, along the back of the room and all of them craning their necks to see, staring unashamedly at Lily, Nate and even Tash.

Lily slowly stood, watching the Spectacle of Genies along with everyone else.

“This is absurd. Who are you people? You must leave. I’m marrying this couple,” the Registrar announced.

“You!” the Golden Genie, who had plonked himself down right next to Tash in the front row, spoke pompously to the Registrar, “Can wait a moment.”

“I will not wait,” the Registrar told him.

“You will,” the Golden Genie commanded.

“I will not,” the Registrar returned.

The Golden Genie ignored her and his dark eyes fell on Lily.

“You are Lily Jacobs,” he declared.

Nate had moved to her side, his arm slid around her protectively and he glared at the Golden Genie.

“What’s going on?” Nate demanded to know.

“And you are Nathaniel McAllister,” the Golden Genie proclaimed.

“Yes, I am. Now what in bloody hell is going on?” Nate snapped.

“I am the Great Grand Genie Number One,” the Golden Genie stated pretentiously.

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