Home > Bad Rep (Bad Rep #1)(9)

Bad Rep (Bad Rep #1)(9)
Author: A. Meredith Walters

“Damn, that's hot.” Jordan called out, watching me. I flushed red and stopped dancing. Jordan came out from around the bar and put his hands on my hips.

“No, don't stop,” he whispered in my ear and started to move behind me.

There were a bunch of catcalls as I caved and started dancing with him in time to the music. My ass swirled back against his hips. We rubbed against each other and Jordan snaked his arms around my waist to hold me and pull me back against his chest. We swayed together, our bodies moving in a perfect rhythm. The hot press of his hands mixed with the musky sweet scent of his sweat was intoxicating. I felt his lips brush the bare skin at the back of my neck and we both trembled with a need that threatened to consume us. I could feel the hammering of his heart against my back as I pressed even closer to him. I lost all sense of time and place and for a moment I forgot that we were in Barton's, and we were supposed to be working.

All I could feel, all I could think about was Jordan Levitt, with his arms around me, pressed against my back like he couldn't tear himself away.

“What the hell are you doing?” My head whipped up at the sound of Evian's terse question. She looked murderous. I moved away from Jordan instantly.

Jordan cleared his throat. “Aw, give her a break, Ev. You've been running her ass off.” I noticed his voice was ragged and I chanced a peek at him. He met my eyes and winked at me. I looked away, feeling suddenly embarrassed for dancing with him like that. In front of a room full of people. Shit, what had come over me? This was my work place! Not a damn club!

I was feeling flustered when Lyla brought the drinks to me that I had needed for one of Evian's tables. She gave me a knowing grin, looking between Jordan and me. I grabbed the order and practically ran from the bar. After delivering the drinks to the table, I went up to the hostess stand to grab a mint. And to catch my breath.

Riley came up beside me. “What was that? I think I got pregnant just watching you two,” she snarked.

I laughed it off but was quietly mortified that everyone in the place had been witness to our lascivious spectacle. “Great, just the kind of first impression I wanted to make,” I muttered. Riley snorted.

“Yeah, well, apparently that's Jordan. Damien says he's a notorious flirt. So I wouldn't worry about it too much,” she commented, sending my stomach to the floor. Good to know that Jordan wasn't acting any differently toward me than he had with anyone else. Nothing like feeling like the next in a long line of shameless flirting girls to make this gal feel all warm and fuzzy.

“Yeah. I guess it was nothing,” I agreed, going off to find Evian.

“Mays...” Riley called out but I waved her off. I didn't want her to see how much her words had bothered me.

I spent the next couple of hours staunchly ignoring Jordan. He tried to catch my eye a few times, but I would quickly look away. My pride was hurt and I felt like nursing my wounds secretly. Around 8:00 I finally had fifteen minutes to kill. So I scavenged some bread sticks, nearly inhaling them. Grabbed my cigarettes out of my purse in Moore's office, and headed out back.

I sat down heavily on an overturned milk crate and lit up. The first drag provided instant relief. Thank you nicotine. Jordan had knocked me off balance and I didn't like the feeling. I pulled out my phone and frowned when I realized Eli still hadn't texted me. Hell, he was probably balls deep in another girl by now. I really needed to reevaluate this so called relationship of ours.

I heard the kitchen door open behind me and turned to find Jordan taking a seat on the stoop. He took the cigarette from behind his ear and put it to his lips. I tried not to stare as he inhaled. How did he make smoking look so sexy?

“How's it going?” he asked after we had sat in silence for a few minutes. I leaned over and put out my smoke.

“My feet are on fire, but other than that, I'm doing fine,” I replied, looking at him as he stared off in front of him.

He finally glanced over at me and smiled. “Let me help you out there,” he said, pulling my foot into his lap.

“What are you doing?” I gasped as he slipped off my black sneakers and started kneading the soles of my feet with deft fingers.

I couldn't help the groan that escaped my lips. Jordan raised his eyebrows at my response and then grinned as he moved his hands up my legs and started rubbing my calves. “You're so tense,” he murmured as he rubbed me.

“Damn, you're good. I'm gonna have to take you home with me.” I moaned as he worked the kinks out of my feet and lower legs.

Jordan chuckled and I realized what I had said. I blushed, yet again. “I think I might have to take you up on that offer.” He mused after letting me pull my feet away. I slipped my shoes back on and got to my feet.

“Yeah, uh, well thanks,” I said quickly, picking up my lighter from the ground.

Jordan grabbed by arm before I was able to escape back into the kitchen. “Mays,” he said quietly and I looked down at him. He was playing with the barbell in his tongue and I was mesmerized by the way he flicked it back and forth across his teeth.

“Yeah?” I asked a little breathlessly. My earlier annoyance with him was instantly gone. Jordan rubbed his hand up my arm and goose bumps broke out along the trail of his fingers. Jordan looked at me, his eyes sparkling.

“I'd really like to take you out sometime. I want to get to know you better,” he said, not breaking eye contact.

My heart sped up, I felt lightheaded, and I thought I might pass out. Thoughts of Eli or not having a thing with a guy I worked with all went out the window. All I could think about was that this gorgeous man who wanted to spend time with me.

But I had to play it cool. I smiled slightly and cocked my head to the side as if considering his offer. When what I really wanted to do was scream, 'HELL, YEAH!' I tapped my finger on my chin, as though I were deep in thought and Jordan's lips quirked in a smile. “I guess that would be alright,” I admitted coyly.

Jordan grinned. “Why don't you wait for me until after my shift is over? We can go and do something,” he suggested, pulling me closer, his hand brushing the back of my knee. Oh crap. My stomach knotted up and I could feel my palms start to sweat. But I nodded and I was proud when my voice didn't shake.

“Sounds good. See ya then,” I said, pulling away. Jordan let his hand drop and got to his feet, following me into the kitchen.

The rest of the night became almost unbearable. All I could think about was getting done so I could hang out with Jordan. I felt his eyes on me as I ran food. He made a point to brush my hand with his when he handed me drinks.

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