Home > Enslave Me Sweetly (Alien Huntress #2)(52)

Enslave Me Sweetly (Alien Huntress #2)(52)
Author: Gena Showalter

“They’ll cut it off her soon enough,” Embittered said. “If they don’t screw it off her first.”

They sympathized with me, already saw me as one of them. A slave to be raped and sold. That was good. I moaned to let them know I was “waking up.” Instantly conversation ceased, and a heavy silence grew. I slowly cracked open my eyes then, and eased to a sitting position. The chains were heavy, weighing down my wrists and ankles. The woman beside me watched my every movement, her big blue eyes widening. She was a pretty little thing with delicate bones and long shiny blond hair.

“Hello,” she said warily.

I cast my gaze through the cell—and that’s exactly what it was, a ten-by-ten prison cell—cataloging and memorizing every detail. There were five women, no men. They were young, about eighteen to twenty, and human, dressed in costumes usually seen on the streets of Whore’s Corner. Like me, they had their wrists and ankles chained. The length of our binds allowed for a stroll around the entire cell. Just not out of it.

A table piled high with meats, bread, and pitchers of water took up one wall. At least the ladies weren’t meant to starve. There was even a toilet on the opposite end of the cell, but no screen or door for privacy.

The only heat provided against the cold dank air was a multitude of thick blankets—all of which were taken. Not that I needed one. I’d endured worse things than cold air. My search continued, and I spotted the far wall etched with a multitude of lines. The number of days they’d been here? A wave of anger rocked me, that these girls were so young, so innocent. I hoped like hell the isotope I’d injected was doing its job, helping Lucius track me here.

Did he even know I’d been taken yet?

Hopefully I wouldn’t have to wait for my “sale.” I wanted to do some killing ASAP.

“Don’t be scared,” the blonde said, her tone gentle. “Has anyone told you why you’re here?”

“We’re being sold to other-worlders as slaves,” Embittered informed me. She was the only redhead.

“Other-worlders?” I forced myself to gasp—forced myself not to scoot closer in anticipation of her answer. “On other planets?”

The timid one gulped and nodded.

I clasped my throat, as if in fear. “How?”

“It’s not painful,” she rushed to assure me. “They’ll strap a collar around your neck that somehow produces a wind. One minute you’ll be on Earth, and the next you won’t, but it doesn’t hurt. I promise.”

A necklace…God, a necklace! Excitement rushed through me, more potent than before, and oh, so exhilarating. Romeo had strapped on a necklace before heading for the clearing. It all made sense now. According to Colin, for any type of interworld travel to be possible, a magnetic strip had to be held close to the body. What better way to hide a magnet close to the body than jewelry?

“Do you still have the necklace?” I asked.

“No.” She shook her head, dancing pale tendrils of hair around her shoulders. “Why?”

The metal door ground open, and a man stalked inside our cell, saving me from a response. The women immediately hunched toward the wall, cowering. Even the redhead, who had showed the most spirit, backed away in fear. I hadn’t seen this man before. He had dark hair, a plain face. He was tall, well muscled, and radiated a menacing air. I arched a regal brow.

He tossed a blanket at me. “Don’t get sick,” he commanded, “or I’ll make you sorry you were ever born.”

“Believe me, the smell of your breath is already making me sorry I was born.”

Several feminine gasps filled my ears.

His green eyes narrowed. “Better watch how you talk to me, girl. I can make your stay here seem like a trip into hell.” He smiled smugly. “Just ask the others.”

“Oh yeah?” I didn’t like how fearful the women were of him. It made me think he’d done bad things to them, horrible things. It made me want to hurt him. “Well, I can chop off your balls and feed them to you. What do you think of that?”

Growling low in his throat, he moved toward me. Only three steps in, he remembered his boss’s orders not to harm me and stopped. He stood in place, fists clenching, emerald eyes sparking with the need to teach me a lesson. To subdue and overpower me. Finally he stormed out of the cell, slamming the door shut behind him.

The women stared at me in silence for a long while.

The blonde finally gasped out, “He could have killed you. Raped you. Beaten you. He…likes that,” she admitted, a shameful edge to the words. Color brightened her cheeks, so vivid she appeared feverish.

“Yes,” I said with a nod, “he could have done all of those things, but he would not have emerged unscathed.” I wanted so badly to help them and take away their pain. I couldn’t. Not yet. So I did for them what I could. I tried to teach them what to do if the bastard ever came near them again. “Never let a man see you cower. If he knows he’s stronger than you, he’ll always attack. It’s male nature. Fight them. With words, with your fists. Slam your palm into his nose. Poke his eyes. Don’t be afraid to hurt him. He isn’t afraid to hurt you.”


“You may lose,” I said, “but I swear to you he’ll always think twice before he comes after you again.”

“Unless he kills you,” the redhead added. She sounded wistful.

Whatever was required, I was getting these women out of here.

Chapter 21

Ididn’t have a long wait until my summons.

Within an hour, two men entered the cell to get me. Expensive Cologne and Smashed Balls. How lovely. A reunion.

“Time to go, sweetheart,” Cologne said. Curiously eager, he unchained me and tried to help me to my feet.

I slapped his hand away and stood on my own.

He frowned when he spied the puffy red scuff marks on my wrists and ankles.

“You should have told me you have such delicate skin,” he scolded.

“When should I have told you? Before you abducted me? While I was sleeping?”Idiot.

“There’s going to be trouble for this,” he muttered.

“Too bad for you.”

Frowning, he shook his head. “I liked you better when you were asleep.”

“Well, I never liked you.” He might be the kindest of all of the guards, but that didn’t make him any less of a slaver.

He sighed and waved me over. “Come on.”

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