Home > Upon A Midnight Clear(52)

Upon A Midnight Clear(52)
Author: Linda Howard

Harold Risson closed his eyes. But he wasn't ready to go to sleep. He needed time to think. He wanted his daughter to be happy, and it was obvious to him that she cared about Tony. He needed to arrange for them to meet outside of the hospital... but how could he do that?

He smiled as he began to formulate a plan.

A few minutes later, he heard the door creak and opened his eyes to see Kim enter the room.

"Kim," he said tiredly. "How do you feel about representing me at the hospital Christmas party this Saturday night?"

"Hey, doc! Where do you want this?"

Tony walked to the front door. On the stoop, two men were holding an overstuffed armchair. "Next to the other one," he said, glancing into the living room.

"One more thing and you're not going to be able to move in here," the delivery man said.

Tony nodded. The room was totally furnished, couch, chairs, end tables, lamps. His entire house, in fact, was now completely furnished.

"What's going on?" the delivery man asked, looking at Tony. "You sure bought a lot of stuff. You getting married or something?"

Tony shook his head. "No. Not that fortunate, I'm afraid."

"Fortunate," the guy said, chuckling. "Take my word for it. You're fortunate right now. Big house, nice dog. No wife. Very fortunate."

Tony smiled as he shook his head. He didn't feel fortunate. All he could think about recently was Kim. And what might have been. In fact, he had been struck with the sudden urge to decorate when all of his other advances toward Kim had been rejected. Since the night of their breakup, she had been pleasant and polite, but unwavering in her decision for them to stay "just friends." He had been surprised by his unwillingness to accept the end of the relationship. He knew why. For the first time in his life--he was in love.

Kim stood next to Jason Neerbore, a radiologist who was even less exciting than his name suggested. He was talking to her about the difference between Bach and Mozart, a difference that in most situations she would have been happy to discuss. But right now, she was distracted. She had received a call from the gallery owner this morning, informing her that her show had been a success. They had sold almost all of the work she had presented and had received commissions for several more paintings. But tonight, on what should have been a night for celebration, all she could think about was Tony, and whether or not she would see him.

Still nodding at Jason's monologue, she shifted her position. She had inadvertently bought a pair of nylons that were a size too small, and she could feel the crotch drop a little each time she moved.

She felt a hand on her arm. It was Jason. "My partner just arrived," he said. "I'd like to introduce you to him. He did his residency in Florida."

"Oh, great," Kim murmured, trying to sound enthusiastic. "But I have to go to the ladies' room. I'll be just a minute."

"Okay," he said, sliding his glasses up his nose. "I'll be right here."

"Got it," Kim said. She made her way into the ladies' room and yanked up her nylons, causing the small run at the top to rip down the side. She shook her head as she turned before the mirror, trying to ascertain how noticeable it was. Considering they were off-black, and her dress was a snug, velvet green mini, it was just about as noticeable as it could get.

Kim hesitated before pulling them off. She threw them in the trash and slipped her black high-heeled shoes back on her bare feet. She turned away from the mirror, not happy with the reflection. She probably should have bought a dress that was a little more conservative, but she had postponed shopping for it until just that afternoon, a time crunch that inspired impulse buys. She made a mental note to hold in her stomach as she left the ladies' room.

As she walked by the bar, she was too busy holding her breath to notice anyone. "Kim," a voice called out. A voice so familiar it made her jump.

She turned around and found herself staring right up into Tony's deep green eyes. He looked handsome in his suit and tie, a change from his usual wardrobe of hospital scrubs or faded jeans, She exhaled quickly, allowing herself to breathe. "Hi, Tony," she said as casually as she could manage. '

"I'm surprised to see you here," he said, not bothering to hide his excitement.

"Yes, well," she said, shrugging, trying to play it cool, "my dad asked me to come."

He tilted his head slightly forward as though he was tempted to kiss her. He suddenly paused and straightened, as he said, "I'm glad I ran into you. Your show... it was last night, wasn't it? How did it go?"

Kim smiled, impressed that he remembered. "It went very well. Thanks for... remembering."

He smiled at her, his eyes wandering toward the swell of her breasts above the tight green material. His eyes drifted down toward the rest of her body and then back up slowly, as if he wanted her to realize that he was appreciating every delicate curve. "How could I forget?" he asked, his eyes meeting hers.

"Kim! There you are," Jason said, loosely grabbing her arm. "Don't try and steal her away from me," he joked to Tony. "Steal her away?" Tony asked, glancing at Kim. Was she here with him?

'Tony!" a woman said, practically pouncing on top of him. "Or should I say, Dr. Hoffman. Ah, hell, we're not at the hospital!" She laughed.

Kim gave her a quick once-over. She was a petite, gorgeous blonde for whom Kim felt an immediate, almost inherent dislike. Kim had a feeling that her dislike had something to do with the way the woman looked in her tight, little black dress. Or maybe it was the way she casually looped her hand around Tony's arm.,

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