Home > Vampire Kisses (Vampire Kisses #1)(33)

Vampire Kisses (Vampire Kisses #1)(33)
Author: Ellen Schreiber

"What's going on?"

"Please, Raven, hurry!"

I ran upstairs and threw on a black T-shirt and black jeans.


I ran back downstairs. She grabbed my arm and pulled me out the door.

I bombarded her with questions as we got into her father's pickup, but she refused to tell me anything.

I imagined the Mansion covered with graffiti, its windows shattered, Trevor and his soccer snobs having it out on the hill with a bloody Alexander. And then another horrible image, but a silent one. A FOR SALE sign in the yard and not even the dark curtains hanging in Alexander's attic window.

Becky didn't park at the Mansion, but a block away.

"What gives?" I asked. "Why don't you park closer?"

But as we jumped out, I saw several cars parked along the curb leading up to the Mansion, unusual for the desolate street.

In the distance I spotted two women dressed in black like they were going to a funeral. But they were swiftly walking, holding lighted torches. My heart sank. "We'll never make it!" I shouted.

Worse still was seeing a man, also dressed in black and carrying a lighted torch. I freaked. Everything stopped inside of me. It was just like the ending of Frankenstein--where the townspeople gather to burn the castle and cast out poor Franky from his home. Only this was a smaller mob. I couldn't believe it had come to this. I could already smell the smoke.

"No, no!" I shouted, but the man had already turned the corner toward the gate.

My darkest imagination could not have prepared me for what I laid my eyes upon: A small crowd of Dullsvillians had gathered on the Mansion grounds. Conservative townspeople dressed in vampire black? Everyone was so dark I thought I must be wearing sunglasses, but a glowing Becky convinced me I was seeing a perfect picture. There were lively people hanging outside the front of the usually lonely Mansion--and they were all having a blast!

I didn't understand any of it. The gathering was more like a party, but it made no sense. Was it just another sick joke? And then I saw the banner on the open gate that made everything wonderfully clear: WELCOME TO THE NEIGHBORHOOD.

"Better late than never," Becky said.

Red streamers also hung from the gate, and lawn torches lit the hill.

"Hey, girl, don't ignore us!" someone called as Becky and I entered the grounds.

I turned around. It was Ruby! She was dressed in a skin-tight black-vinyl dress, and thigh-high black-vinyl go-go boots.

"I've gotten a date out of this outfit already, Raven. You'll never believe it--it was from the butler!" She grimaced like a smitten giggly school girl and fluffed her dyed black hair as she checked herself out in her compact. "He's older, but he's kinda cute!" By the looks of Ruby, she had been pulled straight off a Paris fashion runway. Even her white poodle was wearing a studded black leash and a black doggie sweater.

"Recognize me?" It was Janice in a black mini and combat boots. "Think it's my color?" she said, revealing her black nail polish.

"Any shade of black will do!" I said.

"I tried to tell you not to come to the Snow Ball," Becky began quickly as we walked up the driveway. "But Trevor blackmailed me. You're always there for me when I need you and I wasn't there for you. Will you ever forgive me?"

"I was so caught up, I didn't listen to your warnings. And you're here for me now." I took her hand. "I'm just glad you're not under Trevor's spell anymore."

As Becky and I continued to walk up the hill of party goers, we ran into Jack Patterson wearing a black turtleneck and jeans.

"I've been waiting all these years for the right moment to pay you back," he confessed. "I've outfitted the party. There's nothing black left in the store!"

Now, after all these years, it was my turn to give him a grateful kiss on the cheek. "This is so unbelievable!"

"It wasn't my idea for the partiers to wear black," Jack said, pointing to a guy in Doc Martens, a black T-shirt, and slicked-back hair.

"Hey, girl!" It was Matt. "I was afraid you wouldn't show. We had to send Becky for you. We couldn't properly welcome Alexander to town after all this time without you!" My eyes lit up. "Alexander's been asking about you all night."

I glanced around frantically, speechless. I wanted to throw my arms around everyone. But where was Alexander? "I think you'll find him inside," Matt hinted.

"I can't believe you did this!" The thought of seeing Alexander again thrilled me. I gave Matt a Ruby squeeze-hug. I think he was as startled by my affection as I was.

"You better get up there--before the sun rises," he said.

I paused, remembering one Dullsvillian I hadn't spotted. "He's not going to be lurking in the shadows, right?"


"You know who!"

"Trevor? He wasn't invited."

"Thanks, Matt. Thank you so much!" I said, giving him a thumbs-up.

"You did this, really. It's been good for us to take a walk on the wild side."

Becky grabbed my arm and led me toward the Mansion. A refreshment table was set up by the door. Juices and pop, chips and SnoCaps, Sprees, Good & Plenty, and Dots. Everything that Alexander had that night we watched TV at his house.

"No way!" I exclaimed. I glared at Becky. "I even told you about the SnoCaps?" I realized.

"If I kept that a secret, too, we wouldn't have refreshments," Becky added.

She prepared herself for my fury, but instead I smiled and said, "I'm glad you have such a good memory. Whose idea was this welcome party?" I wondered.

Becky glanced toward the front steps. Out of the corner of my eye I noticed two trendy honeymooners holding hands.

"Oh, there she is," I heard the hipster man say.

It was my parents! My mom was in black bell-bottoms, black platform sandals, and a silky black shirt, with a string of red love beads around her neck. My dad was wearing black-rimmed John Lennon glasses and had squeezed his body into black Levi's and a black silk shirt unbuttoned halfway.

"Are you on drugs?" I wondered aloud, astonished.

"Hi, honey," my mom said. "We had to do something to get you out of bed."

My dad laughed and two young kids in Dracula outfits came whizzing by. One extended his cape with his hands and pretended to fly toward me.

"I've come to suck your blood!" It was Billy Boy.

"You look divine! You're the cutest vampire I've ever seen," I said.

"Really? Then I'm going to wear this to school on Monday."

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