Home > The Marriage Mistake (Marriage to a Billionaire #3)(34)

The Marriage Mistake (Marriage to a Billionaire #3)(34)
Author: Jennifer Probst

A sense of peace settled over her. She murmured occasional comments to Gabby and Rocky, and slowly, her lids closed.


Her name slid from his mouth like honey and caramel, all smooth and gooey and delicious. She smiled and lifted her face upward, too relaxed to lift her arms. The delicious smell of man, soap, and a hint of spicy cologne drifted on the breeze. “Hmmm?”

Gentle fingers caressed her cheek. She pressed against that warm hand and kissed his palm. A low mutter. “Ah, sweetheart, there’s a storm coming. You should come in.”

“ ’Kay.” She stretched, wanting him to strip off her clothes, part her thighs, and slide home. Her muscles clenched in delicious anticipation. She nibbled on his strong wrist and sighed. “Taste good. Smell good.”

“Dio, you are killing me.”

The fuzzy haze of sleep blurred her good intentions and her brain waves. She blinked and reached up. Pushed back the crisp strands of hair across his brow. Traced the arrogant hook of his nose, his soft, full lips. “You’re so beautiful,” she murmured. “Too beautiful for me, though. Aren’t you, Max?”

“Fuck this. I’m no saint.”

His lips coasted over hers. Warm, capable, sipping from her mouth like savoring an expensive glass of wine. His taste exploded on her tongue and she moaned, opening to him fully. He kissed her for long, slow moments that went on and on, until she melted into the chair and the flesh between her legs grew swollen and wet. When he finally lifted his head, she knew he’d won. Waited for him to pick her up and bring her into his bedroom. And at that moment, she didn’t care anymore.

The doorbell rang.

The ding caused Rocky to launch off his rest spot and bark. She bumped back into reality like a rough landing and pushed herself up. Max shook his head. “I may kill whoever’s at that door,” he said. With one last hard look, he disappeared through the French doors.

Carina slid out of the chair. She wondered if Fate stepped in to save her. How long could she hold out before falling back into his bed? The voice of her sister-in-law floated through the screen and she took a deep breath to steady her nerves. She was safe from temptation now.

For a while.

Maggie waddled in looking generally huge, uncomfortable, and majorly pissed off. The black stretch knit dress hit her knees, and rhinestone flip-flops slapped over the marble floors. “If they don’t get out of me now, Carina, I’m gonna take them out myself.” She marched into the living room, stood at the edge of the comfy chair, and fell back. Carina had a feeling she wouldn’t be getting up unless they had a crane.

She clucked with sympathy and a bit of humor. “Probably next week, Maggie. They’re close.”

Maggie glared and took the glass of seltzer with lemon from Max. “No, they’re not. I just went to the doctor yesterday, who told me there wasn’t a contraction in sight. Nada. Niente. They’re nice and cozy in there. They get food, sleep, and play karate when they’re bored. Why would they come out?” She moaned. “I didn’t want to get a C-section unless necessary but I think it’s the only way. They need to feel threatened or they’ll never come out.”

Carina patted her sister-in-law’s hand. “I bet within five days you’ll be holding two perfectly healthy, happy babies. Remember the same thing happened with Alexa? She was two weeks late with her first.”

“Yeah, that was a riot. Nick almost drove to the hospital without her.”

Max brought Mama Conte some tea and they sat in front of the crackling fire. “Yeah, I heard that story, a pure classic. How is Alexa doing?” he asked.

“Fine. They took Lily to Sesame Place for the weekend. You know how she obsesses over Elmo.” Lightning lit the sky, and a rumble of thunder sounded low and threatening. “Supposed to be a wicked storm today. Hope Michael doesn’t get caught in it. He’s running late.”

“Yeah, he was going to take the car into Manhattan for his meeting, but decided on the train. There’s some big protest going on by Wall Street today and he didn’t want to get stuck in traffic. He should be okay.”

Maggie rubbed her massive belly. “Not sure if I can even eat tonight. Awful indigestion all day.” The ringing tune of “Sexy Back” boomed through the room, and Maggie reached over for her purse. “That’s Michael. I can’t reach it.”

Carina grabbed the hot pink cell phone and handed it to her. Maggie’s side of the conversation included curse words and sympathetic murmurings. Finally she clicked off. “You are not going to be believe this. There’s a major blackout in the city and all the trains are delayed. He’s stuck there for a few more hours.”

Carina nibbled on her lip. “Will he be okay? Are there police? Where is he right now?”

Maggie sighed. “He’s eating at La Mia Casa. It’s a little Italian restaurant I used to haunt, and now I got him addicted. I know Gavin, the owner. He’ll take good care of Michael.”

“Thank God. Well, you can sleep over here if you want. We’ll treat you to a homemade breakfast in the morning.”

Mama Conte snorted. “I will make breakfast, Carina. I miss not cooking for my family, and my skills are getting rusty. Tonight we will have a slumber party.”

“Can we watch Magic Mike?” Maggie asked.

Max lifted a brow. “Somehow I don’t think Mama Conte will like that choice.”

“Why?” the older woman demanded. “What is it about?”

“Male strippers,” Maggie said. “It’s good.”

Her mother looked thoughtful. “I will try it.”

Max groaned. “I’m going to kill Michael.”

The hours flew by with good conversation, laughter, and food. Michael called once more to check in and confirm he was okay, but probably wouldn’t be able to get out of the city until early morning. Maggie rested her feet on a pillow and snuggled under a comforter. Max finally caved and allowed them to slip in the movie, but promptly regretted it when all three women panted over the first scene. He threw popcorn at the television screen to distract them.

Maggie sighed with satisfaction as the ending credits rolled. “I love that movie,” she declared. “It’s so deep.”

Max snorted. “It’s female porn. I feel dirty just watching it.”

“You’re just mad because the hot chick never took her clothes off.”

“I have more respect for women than you do men.”

“Yeah, right, I think—Oh, my God.”

Carina looked at Maggie. Pure horror contorted her features. She breathed deep and glanced down in shock. “I think my water broke.”

The dampness of the sofa confirmed it. She rubbed her stomach. “I thought it was indigestion, but now I’m thinking I was in labor today.” She looked across the room in a panic.

Carina froze. Max held his breath. Mama Conte rose from the sofa with a serene smile. Her dark eyes glowed. “You are going to have your babies, Margherita,” she said. “And everything will be fine.”

Tears swam in Maggie’s green eyes and she shook her head hard. “Michael’s not here,” she whispered. “I need him.”

Mama Conte took both her hands and squeezed. “I know. Your labor will go for many hours with twins. He will be here. If I know my son, he will do what he needs so he is beside you when your babies come.”

“I’m scared.”

Her mama laughed. “But of course, you are scared! This is one of the scariest things you will ever do in your life. We are all here with you, Margherita. You have a family now, and we are not leaving.”

Maggie took a deep breath. Nodded. Then reached for her phone. “Okay. Let me call Michael, and the doctor. Max, can you get the car ready? Carina, can you go upstairs and find some things for me to bring? Toothbrush, robe, T-shirts, that sort of thing?”

“On it.” Carina rose from the couch and tugged Max with her. Her husband wore the comical expression of a man terrified to move, as if one word would elicit contractions and screaming from Maggie. “Max?”


“Try to do better than Nick, okay? Get the car and call Alex and Nick for us. Let them know what’s happening. Can you do that?”


“Don’t leave without us.” His panicked eyes made something inside soften. She grabbed his hands and interweaved her fingers within his. Max blinked in surprise, and she smiled. “We get to see our nieces or nephews born today. Let’s not forget a moment, okay?”

He lowered his head and kissed her. Just the softest touch, a whisper of lips sliding over hers and reminding her she wasn’t alone.

“You’re right. Thanks for reminding me.”

He released her and disappeared down the hallway.

Chapter Fourteen

“I want drugs!”

Maggie never wailed, or screamed, or whined. She demanded in her pissed-off, snarky manner until every nurse in the place was afraid to go into her room. Max held her Rubik’s Cube as her focal point and Carina gave the man credit. As each contraction rippled across the screen, he urged her to breathe through the pain and concentrate on her focal point. He took her curses and insults in stride and never wavered.

When he left to get her a glass of ice, she found the Rubik’s Cube on the side of the bed and hurled it across the room.

The only person her sister-in-law seemed to listen to was Mama Conte. Her mother never coddled Maggie, and did not let her get away with bad behavior. But she never left her side, and spoke with her in a low soothing voice, telling her about the birth of each of her children and their special story. In the spaces between contractions, Maggie calmed and listened. Until the next wave hit.

Carina dragged Max out of the room for a moment. “Is Michael going to make it?” she asked. “It’s been hours and the last time they checked she was almost dilated enough to push.”

Max tunneled his fingers through his hair and shifted from foot to foot. “He texted me he should be here within the hour. This is a nightmare. Michael and Alexa gone on the same damn day. I suck at this, Carina. She wants to kill me bad.”

“No, she’s in pain and scared and her husband’s not here. But you’re the next best thing, Max. You’ve been friends since childhood.”

He groaned. “What happened to the days when men got to wait in the waiting room? Crap, I don’t have to look down there when she pushes, do I?”

“Listen, buddy, you’re not spitting two humans from your vag**a. Suck it up. She needs you.”

Her words penetrated his brain. He straightened up and nodded. “Sorry. I got this.”

Maggie snarled between the rapidly increasing waves rocking the monitor. “I signed up for a f**king epidural and I want it now.”

“Language, Margherita,” her mother said. “You are past that point and it’s almost time to push.”

“Not without Michael.” She gritted her teeth and panted. “I’m not pushing till Michael gets here.”

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