Home > Collin (Forever #4)(59)

Collin (Forever #4)(59)
Author: Sandi Lynn

“By buying my parents’ house because I needed the money. You couldn’t just let someone else buy it?”

“I bought that house for us to have someday. I wanted you to hold on to something of them. Even though they didn’t have the house very long, it meant something to them, which means it meant something to you, and I couldn’t let that go. So, I’m sorry if you felt like a charity case because that wasn’t my intention. My intention was to keep a part of your family alive for you and the money was a bonus. Now, I’m done talking about this with you because you obviously can’t understand where I’m coming from,” I said as I turned and faced the window.

“He bought you a house and you’re mad at him?” the lady asked.

“It’s complicated,” Amelia said.

“I see nothing complicated about a man who loves a woman enough to buy something that meant the world to her.”

Go lady... go lady...go lady, I kept chanting to myself.

The plane landed and Amelia and I grabbed our bags and exited the plane. We walked side by side through the airport.

“Where are you staying?” I asked.

“Holiday Inn Express,” she replied.

“Oh. Why?”

She laughed lightly. “Because it was cheap. Where are you staying: The Trump?”


“Of course you are.” She smiled.

“I would like it if you came with me.”

It was a longshot asking her, but I took it anyway. I didn’t want her in this city alone. It wasn’t safe.

“I’ve never been to The Trump before.”

“There’s a first time for everything, and I would love for your first time to be with me.” I smiled.

She looked at me as tears formed in her eyes. “I’m sorry, Collin.”

“Sorry?” I asked nervously.

“I’m sorry for acting like such a bitch. I’m sorry for saying some awful things to you.”

“I’m sorry for not telling you about the house when I bought it.”

We reached the outside of the airport and my driver was standing outside the limo.

“Good evening, Mr. Black. It’s good to see you again.”

“Good evening, Tom. Thanks for picking me up.”

“My pleasure, sir.”

We climbed in the back of the limo and Tom shut the door.

“Where to, Mr. Black?”

I looked over at Amelia and she smiled at me. “We’re going to The Trump, Tom.”

I smiled as I took my hand and lightly caressed her cheek before my lips fell upon hers.


After having the most mind-blowing makeup sex, Amelia and I lay back in the tub and turned on the jets. There was nothing like the feeling of her soft, wet skin pressed against mine. I wrapped my arms around her as her back pressed into my chest and her perfect small ass fit nicely between my legs. She softly ran her finger up and down my arm as I held her against me.

“Don’t you find it strange that we both decided to come to Chicago and we were on the same flight?” she asked.

“Yeah. But like the old lady said: fate.”

“I had lunch with your mom today.”

“You did? Why?”

“Because she called and asked me to. We had a nice little chat about you and how much you are like your dad.”

“Oh God. She keeps saying that.”

“Your dad is an amazing man and you should be proud to be like him. Anyway, I wanted to get away for a couple days and get myself together before I called you and begged you to take me back.”

“Amelia,” I whispered as I kissed her neck. “You won’t ever have to beg me.”

“Your mom told me about your drinking binge last night.”

“Of course she did,” I said as I nipped her neck.

Amelia giggled. “Why did you come to Chicago?”

“I was sitting in my office, looking out the window, and thinking about you, when I thought of our little chat about the Field Museum and T-Rex Sue. That’s when I decided, at the last minute, to hop on a plane and come to Chicago.”

“So you were going to go to the Field Museum without me?”

“Yeah. I guess I was.”

“You beast! How dare you? You promised me we could go together.”

“Amelia, are you going to tell me that you weren’t going to go there yourself?”

“I would never!” she exclaimed.

“Liar.” I smiled as I splashed her with water.

She turned her body around so she was facing me and wrapped her legs around my waist. “I love you so much. I was so stupid for getting mad at you about the house.”

“It’s okay, baby, and I love you too.” I smiled as I pushed a strand of her hair behind her ear.

“No, it’s not okay. You’re the most loving and generous man I’ve ever met, and you love me. How could I be mad at you for that? A part of me feels guilty about the house because my mom and dad should be the ones enjoying it, not me.”

“Amelia, you need to stop with that. You survived. You need to accept that and try to live the rest of your life as fully as possible. With me in it, of course.” I winked.

She placed her hands on each side of my face and rubbed her nose against mine. “I missed you last night and I don’t ever want to sleep apart again.”

“I missed you too and, trust me, we won’t. We need to make a promise to each other right now that we’ll never ever go to bed angry. If we get into an argument or a fight, then we need to work it out first. Deal?” I asked.

“Deal.” She smiled as she kissed my lips.

Chapter 36

Amelia and I had the best time in Chicago. We visited the Field Museum, and we had someone take a beautiful picture of us in front of T-Rex Sue. I took her to my mom and dad’s art gallery, showed her Black Enterprises, and introduced her to Mac.

“Mac, what are you doing here? It’s Saturday.”

“Hey, Collin. I was just about to ask you the same thing. Why the hell are you in Chicago?”

“Mac, this is my girlfriend, Amelia. Amelia, this is Mackenzie. She runs this office for us.”

“It’s nice to meet you, Amelia.” She smiled. “I was just catching up on some work. I’m going on vacation next week.”

“Ah, nice. Are you going with anyone I know?” I asked.

“Yeah. Carla and I are going to the Bahamas.”

I looked at her with a twisted face. “Carla, as in Carla from design?”

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