Home > Chasing Imperfection (Chasing #2)(31)

Chasing Imperfection (Chasing #2)(31)
Author: Pamela Ann

“Yup. Nothing major but cute—got it.”

She opened the door to let us inside Starbucks and I was grateful for the warmer cozier climate in the small café. “Hey, Sienna—I have to step outside really quick. My mom’s calling.” She showed me the flashing phone screen.

“No prob. What did you want? I’ll get it for you.”

“I want a Grande Caramel Macchiato with extra shot,” she called out before pushing the heavy door to step outside.

There were four more people ahead of me in the line. I kept repeating what she wanted in my head just in case I forget it, which I sometimes do—I have a bad case of forgetting things.

“Long time no see stranger,” a voice said behind me. Was he talking to me or he’s on the phone talking to someone?

I quickly spun around and saw a smirking Troy. My, my, the man still looked like a sex bomb.

“Heeey—how are you?” I greeted him with a firm hug. He smelled marvelous, masculine and sexy. I smirked because I know you can’t smell sexy but with Troy, it’s literally oozing out of his pores.

“I’m fantastic, although I did wait for your call with bated breath to no avail.”

Yeah….about that…Blake capsized my brain and couldn’t remember anything about that entire weekend (due to excessive orgasms) and the catastrophe that followed almost a week later.

“I uh—had a lot going on. It was chaotic and with a shitload of crap. Well—actually no, there’s still a lot of crap going about. I can’t seem to prevent it from happening.”

The line moved ahead and I was the next customer. Aloy’s still outside talking on her phone.

“I shan’t need more chaos in my life and yet I tend to stumble upon them. Quite lovely they are and it’s hard not to enlist in the chaos. I suppose I should give myself a pat on the shoulder then, should I?” he jested. His sexy grin distracted me for a second.

“Umm sure.” Lame…you’re so lame, I scolded myself. Seriously, do you want to flirt with disaster? Aren’t Blake and Kyle enough shitstorm for you? Damn and double damn.

When it was my turn to order, Troy took over and paid for all three coffees and wouldn’t let me pay for any.

“You didn’t have to do that, I could pay you know.” He ushered us in an empty couch/lounge section that was tucked on the corner overlooking the street. I can easily see Aloy laughing as she spoke on the phone. I smiled at her. She’s always in a good mood—must be nice to be that upbeat and optimistic on a daily basis.

“I know—but I want to. It’s only coffee, Sienna.”

“You’re right. I’m being silly.” His phone rang, it was his agent. He excused himself for a bit while he took the call outside.

I was surprised to see him. I haven’t seen him in what? Almost three months? London is a small town really. You bump into people you know all the time in the most unexpected places. But seriously, seeing Troy was a nice surprise. I forgot how good looking he was.

Blake’s the supreme Adonis, a total godlike reincarnation, an absolute sexy perfection concoction….and my beautiful addiction.

Kyle’s ruggedly handsome with a bad boy persona, has the magic fingers and has the angst-filled emo (raspy) voice and fabulously plays the guitar.

Troy’s an epitome of a scruffy uber sexy badass with long hair (ties it on at the back of his nape like how Becks did back in the day), has solid six-pack abs, and is one of the good guys.

Difficult is it not? But it’s obvious where my heart belongs to. Sigh.

“Hey! So—so sorry, Mom took forever! Thank you for getting my coffee.” She took a look sip and made an “ahhhh” afterwards.

“Don’t thank me babe—thank the man who’s walking back inside.”

Aloy looked confused and grinned like schoolgirl when Troy sat across her. “This is Troy—an old friend and the one you should thank for the coffee,” I explained. “Troy, this is Aloy my friend from school.”

She totally blushed and fumbled with her words.

Gah, I totally get how she feels. I remembered the first time I met him with Chad.

“So, did your agent call you for another gig?” I addressed the amused man next to me.

“Actually, yes I have work tomorrow and need to fly out to Malaga and come back Monday.” Spain, he’ll be in Spain…and only forty to forty-five minutes away give or take from Marbella—awesomeness.

“That’s great Troy. Chad and I are actually going to be in Marbella too. Well, Chad will be staying for a month or two I believe.” Depending on how he is and how he’s coping after his suicide attempt. My gut churned remembering him lying in the hospital bad after I got that call.

“Brilliant! If I get the chance maybe I could see you both and we can go have dinner.” Chad would love that. He adores Troy and his gorgeous body.

“Chad would absolutely love that. Call us—we’d love to meet with you. Anyhow, we have to get back to class.” Aloy and I stood up. Troy gave me a quick hug and kissed both of my cheeks. He did the same to Aloy and she looked like she was about to faint.

Once we were out on the side street and walking towards our building, she squealed. “OH MY GOD, what the f**k. What the f**k!!! I squirted a little in my pants when he kissed my cheeks! Holy shit of shits—that man was beautiful.”

I guffawed at her reaction. “He is hot—you should see his body. The man has an amazing six-pack.” She had the “are you f**king kidding me?” look.

“I kid you not—he does. He’s a model. You should look him up. Google Troy Scott and his abs will pop up.” We giggled.

“Uhhhh I’m in love! I’m in love with Troy Scott!” she sighed dreamily.

I smiled and wrapped an arm around her shoulder. “Come on lovey dovey, we have a class to get to. You can fantasize about him once you’re nicely seated.”

I have another hour until I Blake picks me up. God, what am I doing? I could’ve stopped myself from sleeping with Kyle but I didn’t. It’s a bit awful to have sex with someone knowing your heart belongs to someone else. It comes down to technicality and it becomes just plain old shagging as the Brits would put it.

I want to text Kyle but I didn’t know what to say. Maybe I should see him in person and check if he’s okay. I could drop by and say hi later tonight or tomorrow before Chad gets discharged.



Sienna was silent the whole drive to the hospital. She kept biting her bottom lip and picking at her nails.

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