Home > So Much Trouble When She Walked In(36)

So Much Trouble When She Walked In(36)
Author: Judy Angelo

And then the day of the meeting dawned.  Finally.  That morning Silken was particularly meticulous as she applied her make-up and fixed her hair.  She brushed the unruly curls straight then pinned them up in a bun on top of her head.

Suave, who’d been watching her the whole time, shook her head.  “You look like you’re going to a job interview.  I don’t think we have to look so severe.”  She’d left her own hair loose, letting it fall around her shoulders.

“Well, at least she’ll be able to tell us apart.”  Silken bit her lip.  “I’m just so nervous.  I want to look presentable.  I want her to like us.”

Suave came over and put an arm around her shoulder.  “I’m sure she will.”  Then she gave a soft chuckle.  “What’s not to like?”

Silken rolled her eyes.  “A lot, where I’m concerned.  You know I’m famous for putting my foot in my mouth.”  She put up a hand to touch Suave’s arm.  “If I say anything stupid just kick me, okay?  Don’t let me make a fool of myself.”

Suave squeezed her hand.  “You know I will but, trust me, you’ll be fine.”

Suave made to step past but Silken stopped her.  There was one thing that had been on her mind ever since the meeting had been arranged.  Maybe it was nothing but she couldn’t help but wonder…

“Why do you think she told us to meet her at a coffee house?  How come she didn’t invite us to her house?”

Suave tilted her head, seeming to think it through.  Then she shrugged.  “She probably wanted to get to meet us first before introducing us to her family.”

Silken nodded.  “I guess you’re right.”  Then she sighed.  “It’s the nerves, making me worry about nothing.  What’s wrong with me?  This is so not me.”

“I know but who can blame you?  I’m nervous, too.”  Suave’s eyes shone.  “Can you believe it?  We’re finally going to meet our mother.”

Silken and Suave arrived at the coffee house early and sat in the car for almost twenty minutes, watching the entrance just in case Meredith came early, too.  She’d said she’d be wearing a pink sweater with black piping and a black skirt.  No-one fitting that description went through the door the whole time they sat there so, at ten minutes before the noon hour, they went in and found a table that was partially secluded but by the window.  Here, they could see everyone who came in and out.

They’d been sitting there for fifteen minutes when Suave gave Silken a worried look.  “She’s late.  Do you think something’s wrong?”

Silken shook her head.  “It’s only five minutes past twelve.  She’s probably caught in traffic.”  She got up, taking her purse with her.  “I’d better go order some coffee till she gets here.”

“I’ll have tea, please. Chamomile.”  Silken nodded and headed off to the counter.  She’d given Silken a casual answer but she would be lying if she said a twinge of concern hadn’t crept into her mind as well.  But they were worrying about nothing, she was sure.  They just needed to exercise patience.

But when twelve-twenty came with no sign of a pink-and-black suited woman, Silken voiced the thought that had now begun to consume her.  “What if she changed her mind and doesn’t show up at all?”

Now it was Suave’s turn to reassure her.  “She will.  I just know she will.”  The words came out more like a prayer than a declaration.

And, as if God had been listening, the door to the coffee house swung open and a tiny dark-haired woman wearing a pink top and black skirt entered the room.

Suave gasped.  “There she is.  And she looks just like us.”

“And so young.”  Silken stared at the woman who looked more like their sister than their mother.  Like Silken, she’d drawn her hair up in a bun, but a couple of tendrils had escaped and hung around her face, giving her a soft, innocent look.  Her dark-brown eyes scanned the room and when they landed on the twins they saw that one thing they’d been yearning for all these years – instant recognition.

She did not wave nor did she smile but she immediately headed in their direction, her purse clutched tightly to her side.

When she got to their table, both Silken and Suave rose up but they said nothing.  For that brief moment all they could do was stare.

Then Silken spoke.  “M…Meredith?”  She’d almost said ‘mother’ but caught herself just in time.  She’d wanted to say mother but instinctively she knew they weren’t at that stage yet.

“Yes,” the woman said as she looked from one to the other.  Her eyes wide, she stared at them for a full five seconds before she said another word.  “You’re so alike.  I can’t…which one of you is Suave and which is Silken?”

Smiling, Silken lifted a hand.  “Silken here.”

“And I’m Suave.”  Suave stretched out her hand and the woman took it without hesitation.

“And I’m Meredith,” she said as she shook Suave’s hand.  “Meredith Albright.”

It sounded so formal but Silken could only guess that Meredith was just as nervous about the meeting as they were.  Probably even more so.  At least she and Suave had the advantage of knowing they’d been searching for her for months.  Years, actually.  But Meredith, she’d probably been blindsided when she’d been told her daughters wanted to meet her.

They all sat down then Silken drew in a deep breath.  “I hope you don’t mind that we tracked you down like this…”

Suave put a hand on her arm, stopping her.  She gave Meredith a soft, almost apologetic smile.  “What can I get you?  Coffee?  Tea?”

Meredith shook her head.  “Nothing, thanks.  I can’t stay long.”  She was clutching her purse tightly again, and drew it closer on her lap.

Silken almost frowned.  She had to fight to keep her expression bland.  What did she mean she couldn’t stay long?  After not seeing them their entire lifetime?  And what had happened to the bear hug, the tears in her eyes and the expressions of regret?  This was not going like she’d expected.

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