Home > So Much Trouble When She Walked In(19)

So Much Trouble When She Walked In(19)
Author: Judy Angelo

And how could she slam a man who was being polite?  She had underestimated Maximillian Davidoff.  This man was like none she had ever met.

Her shoulders sagged then she let out a sigh of defeat…and she lifted her hand to rest her palm on his.  When she lifted her eyes to his she saw the flash of triumph and the amused twist of his lips.

“There’s more than one way,” he whispered, “to win a battle.”

And then, before she could reply, he’d wrapped his fingers around hers and was walking her back to the sofa.

After settling her in the chair, Max popped the cork and poured a glass of champagne, only one, then held it to her lips.  “Sip,” he ordered, and with the glass practically touching her mouth she had no choice.  She sipped.

The bubbles burst in her mouth, startling her although she’d expected it, and she blinked.  “What…” she said on a gasp, “what are we celebrating?”

Max smiled then he took a sip himself, from her glass…their glass.  “Possibilities,” he said, never taking his eyes off hers.  Then, still holding her mesmerized with his dark-eyed gaze, he reached his hand behind him to rest the bubbling glass on the table.

His hand now free, he lifted it to put a finger under her chin, ensuring that she could not look away.  “Do you know the possibilities of which I speak?” he asked in an uber-formal voice with an amusing attempt at a European accent.

Still staring back at him, she shook her head, but only slightly.  She couldn’t move much, not with his finger holding her chin captive.  “No,” she whispered then licked her lips, a nervous response to his nearness.

As if he sensed her fear he moved even closer, his lips mere inches from hers.  “Us,” he said softly then moved his lips closer still.  “Kiss me.”

Silken’s eyes widened and she drew in a surprised breath.  She was expecting his kiss, she wanted it, but why didn’t he kiss her?  She didn’t want to be the one to make the move.

But he was waiting.  And it wasn’t like she hadn’t done this before.  So she closed her eyes, pursed her lips and pressed them to his.

It looked like that was all he’d needed, just an indication that she wanted this.  As soon as their lips touched, his arms came up to draw her close and then he was kissing her with such passion that she knew he’d been wanting to do this all evening.

And she’d wanted it too, so badly.  As they kissed she slid her hands up but this time she did not cling to him helplessly.  This time she steadied herself with one hand then boldly slid the other inside the V of his shirt, her hand gliding over the smooth skin of his broad chest.

And then she found it, the flat nipple, which she began to stroke until it grew into a hard nub beneath her fingers.

Max groaned but she did not let up.  As his kiss deepened she stepped up her assault on his senses, pinching the nipple, her gentle torture making him gasp against her lips.

But she knew it was a torture so sweet that he would only want more.  Pulling her lips away from his, she lowered her head to his chest, loosening button after button as she did so until he was beautifully bare to her gaze.

Then her lips found that suffering nipple.  She covered it with the softness of her lips then stroked it with the tip of her tongue, flicking and teasing until Max groaned and lay back against the arm of the sofa, giving her full access to his body.

She accepted his invitation.  Tilting with him, she never let go of that nipple, but when he writhed and moaned she gave him some ease and moved her lips over to the other nipple where she administered similar treatment.

“God, Silken, you know how to drive a man crazy.”  His voice, soft and hoarse, was music to her ears.

He’d thought he was the one in charge, getting her to sit with him on the sofa, ordering her to kiss him, but now he knew who really carried the big stick.

She released him then moved up his body where she calmly and boldly covered his lips with hers.  He took hers like a hungry man, sucking her bottom lip into his mouth then reaching up to capture her head in his hands.  Then he was tasting her, devouring her, kissing her till she was the one gasping and clinging to him.

Before she knew what was happening Max wrapped his arms around her and rolled over in the sofa, pinning her beneath him.

For a quick second she almost panicked, feeling so utterly helpless, unable to move her arms or legs.  But then he lowered his head to kiss her in that sensitive spot by her collarbone and all thoughts of fighting to regain control dissolved in a pool of breathtaking sensation.

He slid his lips lower still and then he was skimming the tops of her br**sts, feathering her with kisses that made her tremble all over.  When his hand slipped down to rest at the top button of her blouse she sighed.  And when he paused there she arched toward him, eager for his touch.

He must have been waiting for it, this indication that she wanted him, because he began to undo the buttons – one then two then three – until her lace-covered br**sts lay exposed to his hungry gaze.

Sliding his hands up her torso, he reached out to cup both br**sts in his big hands.  Ooh, delicious.  And then, as if that weren’t enough, with both thumbs he began to stroke her ni**les through her bra, turning the tips into hard nubs that ached for his lips.

He must have read her mind because no sooner had she thought it than he slid the cup from her right breast and dipped his head to capture her nipple between his teeth.

A bolt of liquid fire shot through Silken’s body and she moaned.  “Yes,” she whispered, "please…don’t stop.”

Max groaned in response.  Sliding his hands behind her back he released the catch on her bra, freeing her br**sts and then he lowered his head again, this time to slurp her left nipple deep into his mouth.

And the feel of his mouth on her, his lips clamped on her sensitive bud, his tongue sliding and stroking, was so sensual that her juices began to flow.

Feeling the dampness between her legs she gasped, wanting him so bad her mouth went dry.  Oh God, what was he doing to her?

And even as he was driving her crazy with his caress the question reverberated in her mind.  What was he doing to her but even more frightening, what in heaven’s name was he doing with her?

The thought sent a sliver of fear sliding up into her heart.  Was this all a game to Max?  Was she just someone to amuse himself with until he found a newer, more exciting toy?  Because who was she fooling?  The man was a goddamn billionaire and she was nothing more than a mechanic.  A damn good one, and the owner of her own business, but still…way below Maximillian Davidoff’s league.

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