Home > Bedding Her Billionaire Boss (Bad Boy Billionaires #9)(20)

Bedding Her Billionaire Boss (Bad Boy Billionaires #9)(20)
Author: Judy Angelo

And she could see why.  Her earlier view of his bare body had showed a man who was solidly built, muscles in perfect proportion, looking like he worked out everyday.  The image of Rock’s na**d torso was imprinted on her mind and she knew it was a picture she would never forget.  Not that she wanted to.  In fact, she would not have minded a peek at what lay below the waistband of his pajamas.

Dana caught herself.  You stop that, you wicked woman.  The man is your boss, remember.  She was in the middle of chiding herself when Rock looked at her and she could feel the blush rising in her cheeks.  Thank God he couldn’t read minds.

By two thirty that afternoon they had set off on the road again, this time to accomplish their planned task.  “I want to cruise along Cable Beach to check out some of the hotels along that side.  Just relax and enjoy the ride.”

And Dana did just that.  She settled back against the soft leather seat and as they toured the island, taking note of the variety of resorts there, she decided not to worry about things and just enjoy the fact that she was in the company of a super-sexy man.  Forget the fact that he was her boss and the island tour was strictly business.  No matter.  She could pretend, couldn’t she?

And in her pretend scenario she was on vacation with the man of her dreams by her side.

Too soon, the dream had to come to an end.  Soon after the sun slid behind the horizon Rock drove back to Paradise Island and to their home away from home.  He pulled up in front of the hotel and though the doorman was there to open the car door for her, by the time she’d straightened up Rock was right there to offer her his arm.

It had been a great day and although they’d spent the better part of the evening discussing the next day’s meeting she’d enjoyed every moment spent in Rock’s company.  She hated that the time had come for them to part.  Hiding her disappointment deep inside, Dana lifted her head and plastered a brave smile across her face.

“Is everything okay?”  Rock asked as he looked down at her.  “You seem pensive.  Was today too much for you?”

“Not at all,” she assured him quickly.  “I wish all my work days were like today.  It was fun.”

He cocked an eyebrow at her.  “Think you can manage some more fun for one day?”

Dana tilted her head.  “What do you mean?”

“I’m not ready for the day to end.”   He shrugged.  “Maybe it’s because I slept in late but I’ve got a lot of hours left in me before I’m ready to wind down.  I was thinking I would work off some of this energy at the disco.  Are you up to it?”

Dana almost staggered back.  Well, not quite, but his question surprised her.  Rock, a lover of dancing?  Who would have thought it?

When he saw her hesitation, his smile faded.  “I’m sorry.  That was selfish of me.  Forget I asked.”

“No, no,” she said quickly.  “I would love to go dancing.  What time should I meet you?”

He narrowed his eyes.  “You’re sure?  You’re not just saying that because I bullied you into it?”

Dana laughed.  “You didn’t bully me.  I love dancing.”

He still looked doubtful.  “Okay, then.  If you say so.”  Then his face cleared.  “We’ll do room service tonight then meet in the lobby around eight o’clock.  That will give us enough time to work up a sweat and still get to bed at a reasonable hour.”

Work up a sweat.  She liked the sound of that.  “Sounds like a plan,” she said.  “I’ll be down by eight.”

That night, Dana took special care in applying her make-up and dressing for the occasion.  It wasn’t every day that a girl got to go dancing with probably the most eligible bachelor in New York City.  But why he was still a bachelor at the age of thirty-four was beyond her.  A man like him would have his pick of women.  Hadn’t he found one that was good enough?

That thought gave her pause and the hand that held the liner to her eye came down and she stared at herself in the mirror.  Not good enough for him.  She knew for sure that she would fall in that category…not that he’d even consider her at all.  So why was she letting her heart get so involved with this man?

Tell that to her heart.  Deep inside she knew that it was already too late.  Two kisses, that was all it took.  She was already spiraling out of control, plunging down into a whirlpool of dangerous emotion.

Her eyes widened as she stared at her reflection.  Dear God, she was falling in love…with a man who had absolutely no reason to love her back.

Chilled by the thought, Dana drew in a deep breath then let it out slowly.  She needed to calm down.  She’d just talked herself into a state of distress just when she’d promised to be all chirpy and full of energy, and dance the night away.

Straightening her back, she stared into the mirror and spoke.  “Dana Daniels, you’re a realist.  Stop worrying about it and go do your job.”  With that she sniffed, got up, and headed for the door.

When she got to the lobby Rock was already there, waiting in the lounge area.  As she approached he looked up and when his eyebrows shot up she had no doubt that she’d made an impression.

Dana knew she looked good.  Becky had made sure of it.  She was the one who had picked this flaming red dress with the flared skirt that sat high up her thigh.  Perfect for dancing, her friend had said.  You’ve got to be prepared because you never know…

And Becky had been right…as usual.  Who would have known that she’d be here tonight, preparing to go dancing with her boss?

Rock was on his feet now and his look of open admiration was the perfect antidote for her doubts.  “Nice.”  It was the only word he said as he took her arm but the way he’d said it – as his eyes roamed from her face all the way down to her manicured toes in high heeled slippers – made his appreciation more than obvious.

“Shall we go?” he asked as he smiled down at her.

“Yes, we shall,” she said, smiling back.  And as she walked down the hallway on Rock’s arm she swallowed her fears, letting them fall all the way to her toes.  What ever it cost her later, tonight she would have fun.

And she did.  DJ Pleasure rocked the house that night with dance hit after dance hit, from ‘Scream and Shout’ by the Black Eyed Peas and Brittney Spears to ‘Shufflin’ to ‘Gangam Style’.  Dana almost fell down laughing when she saw Rock’s attempt at the Gangam Style dance.  Okay, so she’d figured out that he loved dancing but, in his case, that definitely did not translate into a talent for it.

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