Home > Something Beautiful (Beautiful #2.6)(5)

Something Beautiful (Beautiful #2.6)(5)
Author: Jamie McGuire

“Where are you going?” she asked.

America and I traded glances.

“Abby just called. She wanted us to stop by the apartment for a little bit,” America said.

She and Abby were well versed in off-the-cuff half-truths. I imagined Abby had taught America well after she moved to Wichita. They’d had to do a lot of sneaking around when they were making underage trips to Vegas, so Abby could gamble and help her loser dad get out of debt.

Dad scooted forward on his seat. “Think you could hold on for a minute? We need to ask you a few questions.”

“I just have to get my purse,” America said, gracefully excusing herself.

Mom smiled, but I frowned.

“What is this about?”

“Have a seat, son,” Dad said, patting the arm of the brown leather recliner adjacent to their love seat.

“I like her,” Mom said. “I really, really like her. She’s confident and strong, and she loves you that way, too.”

“I hope so,” I said.

“She does,” Mom said with a knowing smile.

“So …” I began. “What do you need to tell me that you couldn’t say in front of her?”

My parents looked at one another, and then Dad patted Mom’s knee with his free hand.

“Is it bad?” I asked.

They struggled to find the words, answering without speaking.

“Okay. How bad is it?”

“Uncle Jim called,” Dad said. “The police were over at the house last night, asking questions about Travis. They think he is responsible for the fight in Keaton Hall. Do you know anything about it?”

“You can tell us,” Mom said.

“I know about the fight,” I said. “It wasn’t the first one. But Travis wasn’t there. You were right here when I called him. He was at the apartment.”

Dad shifted in his seat. “He’s not at the apartment now. Do you know where he is? Abby is missing as well.”

“Okay,” I said simply. I didn’t want to answer either way.

Dad saw right through me. “Where are they, son?”

“Travis hasn’t talked to Uncle Jim yet, Dad. Don’t you think we should give him a chance first?”

Dad considered that. “Shepley … did you have anything to do with those fights?”

“I’ve been to some of them. Most of them this year.”

“But not this one,” Mom clarified.

“No, Mom, I was here.”

“That’s what we said to Jim,” Dad said. “And that’s what we’ll tell the police if they ask.”

“You didn’t leave? At any point during the night?” Mom asked.

“No. I got a text about the fight, but this weekend was important to America. I didn’t even respond.”

Mom relaxed.

“When did Travis leave? And why?” Dad asked.

“Dad,” I said, trying to remain patient, “Uncle Jim will tell you after Travis talks to him.”

America peeked from my bedroom doorway, and I signaled for her to join us.

“We should go,” she said.

I nodded.

“You’ll be back for dinner?” Mom asked.

“Yes, ma’am,” America said.

I dragged her up the stairs behind me to the main level and out the door.

“I looked up their flight,” she said as we settled into the Charger. “Two more hours.”

“Then we should roll into Chicago just in time.”

America leaned over to kiss my cheek. “Travis could be in a lot of trouble, couldn’t he?”

“Not if I can help it.”

“We, baby. Not if we can help it.”

I looked down into her eyes.

Travis had already cost me my relationship with America once. I loved him like a brother, but I wouldn’t risk it again. I couldn’t let America protect Travis and get in trouble with the authorities even if she wanted to.

“Mare, I love you for saying that, but I need you to stay out of this one.”

She wrinkled her nose in disgust. “Wow.”

“Travis will take a lot of people with him if he goes down for this. I don’t want you to be one of them.”

“Will you? Be one of them?”

“Yes,” I said without hesitation. “But you were at my parents’ all weekend. You know nothing. Understand?”


“I mean it,” I said. My voice was uncharacteristically stern, and she leaned back a bit. “Promise me.”

“I … can’t promise you that. Abby is family. I’d do anything to protect her. By proxy, that includes Travis. We’re all in this together, Shepley. Travis would do the same for me or for you, and you know it.”

“That’s different.”

“Not at all. Not even a little bit.”

I leaned down to kiss her damn stubborn lips that I loved so much, and I twisted the ignition, firing up the Charger. “They can just drive your car home.”

“Oh, no,” she said, glaring out the window. “The last time I let them borrow my car, they got married without me.”

I chuckled.

“Drop me off at the Honda. I’ll drive them home, and they’re both going to hear it from me the entire way home. And Travis isn’t getting out of it by riding with you either, so if he asks—”

I shook my head, amused. “I wouldn’t dare.”


I dabbed the sweat beading above my top lip with the back of one hand, pressing down on the top of my wide-brimmed hat with the other. Across the palm trees and shrubs flowering in every bright color imaginable were Taylor and Falyn sitting together at a table at Bleuwater.

I removed my oversized black sunglasses and narrowed my eyes, watching them argue. The perfect island second wedding had taken most of the year to plan, and the Maddox boys were ruining it.

“Jesus,” I sighed. “What now?”

Shepley grabbed my hand, looking in the same direction until he eyed the problem. “Oh. They don’t look happy at all.”

“Thomas and Liis are fighting, too. The only ones getting along are Trent and Cami, and Tyler and Ellie, but Ellie never gets mad.”

“Tyler and Ellie aren’t really … together,” Shepley said.

“Why does everyone keep saying that? They’re together. They’re just not saying they’re together.”

“It’s been that way for a long time, Mare.”

“I know. Enough already.”

Shepley pulled my back against his chest and nuzzled my neck. “You forgot us.”


“You forgot to say us. We’re getting along.”

I paused. Planning and organizing and making sure everything flowed smoothly had kept me busy. Aside from the reception at Sails, I’d barely seen Shepley. But he hadn’t once complained.

I touched his cheek. “We always get along.”

Shepley offered a half smile. “Travis has officially gotten married twice before the rest of us.”

“Trenton isn’t far behind.”

“You don’t know that.”

“They’re engaged, baby. I’m pretty sure.”

“They haven’t set a date.”

I smoothed my sheer black cover-up and pulled Shepley toward the beach. “Do you not approve?”

He shrugged. “I don’t know. It’s weird. She dated Thomas first. You just don’t do that.”

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