Home > Searching for Someday (Searching For #1)(22)

Searching for Someday (Searching For #1)(22)
Author: Jennifer Probst

Jane sighed. “You’re right. I suck at this.”

Kate snapped a biscotti in half and slid it over. “You’re new at this, Jane. We all have issues and hang-ups. We created Kinnections because we realized women should be having a lot more fun finding Mr. Right. Why be miserable during the journey?”

Jane pondered the thought, studying her fingers as her brain clicked away. Kate enjoyed Jane’s company. Once she let go of her expectations of what society wanted her to act like, her natural intelligence and charm shone through. Kate wondered why Slade was so overprotective. Curiosity simmered within, and she fought the temptation to casually ask questions about her brother. She ached to know more about his childhood. Other than his ex-wife, had there been others who ruined his ability to trust? Arilyn counseled Jane on her past, but Kate never liked to probe just for curiosity’s sake. They each had a role in Kinnections and tried not to overstep boundaries just because of their friendship. What Jane confessed to Arilyn was deeply personal and private.

Kate glanced at her watch again. Yes, they’d be at an early dinner now. Probably sipping cocktails while they waited for their table. Would he obey and wear a more casual outfit like they counseled? Would he rush the date to get more intimate, or enjoy her at leisure, unveiling each of Hannah’s layers like removing tissue paper from an expensive gift? Would he even think about the kiss they shared or had he easily gotten over it?

“Earth to Kate? What’s up? You look weird.”

She shook her head and refocused. “Sorry, just tired.”

“More like distracted.” Her friend studied her face. “I have a great idea. Why don’t we all go out tonight? A girls’ thing. We’ll talk about men, drink cocktails, and wear ridiculous high heels. And dancing. Definitely dancing.”

Usually Kate craved her remote, Robert, and her pjs on a Friday night. But the thought of Slade with Hannah could torture her this evening. Getting out of the house and being distracted would be the best thing. Jane looked surprised at the invitation.

“Uh, you guys don’t have to include me to be polite. I have to work on my research.”

“No work tonight, for any of us. You’re coming with us, right, Kate?”

Kate gave Jane a smile. “Absolutely. We’ll have fun, I need a night out. I’ll text Genevieve, and you text Arilyn. We’ll meet at The Grille for dinner and then go dancing at Mugs. Deal?”

Jane lit up. Odd, it was almost as if she didn’t have the opportunity to socialize too much. Probably like her, Jane had become used to being alone, and it was hard to break the habit. “Okay, thanks for inviting me.”

Tim walked through the door and glanced around. “Here’s bachelor number two. Are you ready?”

Jane took a deep breath, adjusted her sweater, and nodded. “Yes. I can do this.”

“Remember: be yourself. Relax. He’s not scary, just an alien of the opposite sex that we’ll never understand but must learn how to accept and mate with.”

Jane laughed at Kennedy’s remark and strode over to Tim. Kate watched as they introduced themselves, then sat at the same table to share conversation. She was tempted to walk close enough to see if she got a tingle of awareness but besides cheating, Kate was afraid there wouldn’t even be a crackle. And that would only depress her.

“If we’re going out tonight, I need to head back to Kinnections, then get home to Robert. Can you handle this by yourself?” she asked.

Kennedy waved her purple-tinted nails in the air. “Of course. Wear something slutty tonight. If you keep insisting you don’t want to hook up with Mr. Electricity, then you need to find someone else. I swear if you hit thirty without losing it, Kate, I’ll hire a gigolo for you.”

Kate sputtered a laugh. “Stop threatening me. I promise to dress like a tramp if you’ll get off my case.”

“Done. I want to see lots of skin.”

Kate stuck out her tongue, grabbed her purse, and headed out.

SLADE SMILED AT THE exquisite woman across the table from him. He had to admit, Kate had hit all the facets he always desired in a woman. Besides her physical attractiveness, Hannah Easton was an accomplished businesswoman. Intelligent, successful, with a kind of humor he enjoyed and admired. If he drafted up all the qualities of his perfect mate, Hannah’s photo would be right beside it.

Except . . .

He didn’t want her. Didn’t crave to back her up against the wall, lift her skirt, and bury his fingers between her thighs. He didn’t want to devour her mouth, suck on that lower lip, and bask in the husky moans he ripped from her throat. She didn’t piss him off, turn him inside out, and make his soul shake with need.

Ah, crap.

Hannah offered to pay part of the bill, which he quickly squashed. As they walked out of the restaurant, he took her elbow to guide her over the slick sidewalks. Not even a slight tingle of awareness between them. He distantly appreciated every quality she could bring into a relationship, but knew he wasn’t the man for her. Should he tell her now? Wait to break the news to Kate? He hated this part. No wonder he despised dating.

He stopped at her car. She tilted her head, staring up at him with an eager anticipation in her pretty brown eyes. For a kiss? He avoided the whole trap by moving fast. Slade swooped down, kissed her on the cheek, and took a step back. “It was lovely meeting you, Hannah. I had a wonderful time with you tonight, thank you.”

She blinked. “Oh. Yes, I did too, Slade. Hopefully, we’ll see each other again.”

He nodded like a dimwit, desperate for escape. The big bad millionaire lawyer scared of hurting a woman. He was such a dweeb. “Yeah, I’m sure we will. Drive safe. And thanks again.”

He stumbled away and headed toward the parking garage, cursing Kate and Kinnections and his damn hormones the whole way. He hated disappointing a sweet woman, but better now than leading her on later. He wondered if he would’ve been attracted to her if he’d never met Kate. Not that it mattered. He was a goner.

The idea of one night in her bed seared his brain and his dick. If he could just spend hours with her nak*d, he may be able to exhaust his hormones enough. Maybe even get rid of that intense connection they seemed to share. Of course, he hadn’t called her all week, giving her time to stew and think it over. He hoped knowing he was on a date with Hannah had driven the point home.

Slade got in the car. The idea of heading toward his empty home was suddenly depressing. He could call a few friends and go for a drink. But even that didn’t hold his interest. Maybe he’d check in on his sister. He’d been trying to give her the space she wanted, but he always worried. He punched in the number on his Bluetooth and eased the Jag into traffic.


“Jane! It’s your long-lost brother. Have you forgotten me? Or replaced me with some hot stud?”

Her laughter made him smile. “Funny. Actually, I’m on my way out tonight.”


“Girls’ night out. Kate and Kennedy invited me to hang with them. We’re on our way to Mugs. I forgot how much fun being with other women is. I think I avoided it too long.”

The memory of her shattered and lying lifeless on the floor flashed in his mind. Slade shifted in his seat. Was it a good thing they invited her into their group? Or bad? No, Kate would never hurt Jane, but did anyone ever realize their actions until it was too late? He kept his tone light and easy. “Dancing, huh? Sounds like fun. How’s the matchmaking going?”

A pause. “Are you fishing?”

“Yes. Look, throw me a bone. You’re my baby sister and I’m going through withdrawal. I have nobody else’s business to nose around in.”

She blew out a breath, but he knew she was laughing. “Okay. I met two nice guys today, and I’m going on a one-on-one date with Brian. He teaches poetry.”

“Good. I want you to be happy.”

“I am. What about you? Dating?”

“Yeah, just got done with one tonight. She was nice but not for me.”

“Poor thing. She’s probably half in love with you already,” Jane teased.

“I’m sure Kate will find me another match. Is she going with you tonight?”

“Yep, she’s dressed to kill, and Kennedy wants to hook her up with a man tonight. Says she hides in her house with her dog too much. Sounds like you, huh?”

He grunted. “I don’t have a dog. Listen, do you mind if I swing by for a drink? I’m not ready to go home and I’d like to hang out.”

“Well, it’s kind of a girls’ thing, but I’m sure it will be okay. You know where Mugs is?”

“Yep. On my way. Be there in half an hour.”

“See you later.”

Slade clicked off, turned toward the Thruway, and headed to Verily. The hell with it. There was no way he was letting Kate distract herself with some other man. Not while he was suffering with torturous sexual dreams and a boner that wouldn’t go away. It was time he reminded her of their attraction.

If another man touched her . . .

Slade cut off the thought and punched on the gas.

KATE SIPPED HER CHOCOLATE martini and relaxed into the feminine chatter that was as soothing as a spa massage. From harmless celebrity gossip to the endlessly fascinating topic of men, the subjects whirled in a dizzying array and made her happy to be a woman.

Mugs was overflowing, but they held the prime table at the edge of the dance floor looking out. Pink belted out her moody lyrics, and people swung their h*ps to the beat. The atmosphere was perfect for a variety of needs, from dancing and pool and darts to large tables to congregate at. Kate ducked her head and took one last glance.

Yes, his date was definitely over. Unless he had continued it at home. Of course, that was against the rules. She’d preached over and over the mantra he must follow: no sex until he wanted to actually date the woman. The idea that in a few minutes they’d been ripping at each other’s clothes humiliated her, but she swore to move past it. Just a mishap. One mistake. Would never happen again.

“What about that guy?”

She directed her attention to Kennedy’s subtle head-shake toward an attractive man staring at their table. When Kate looked up, the man raised his glass and smiled. She automatically returned the greeting before their gaze broke.

“Oh, yeah, he’s the one,” Kennedy drawled. “Why don’t you go over?”

“Why don’t you?” she teased back.

“Because I’m taking the night off from men. But you, my dear, need a night off from just women.”

She made a face. “I love you, Ken, and lust after your shoes, but, don’t want to sleep with you.”

Jane giggled and hiccupped. Obviously, she rarely drank, so her two cosmopolitans gave her a rosy, happy glow. Kate made a note to make sure she got home safe.

“Cute. Right now, I’d sleep with you anyway. You look hot, Kate.”

Kate grinned. She kind of did look hot. It had been a long time since she had slipped into her usual black but kicked it up a notch. The skirt was ultrashort and chic, with cutout flaps that sneaked glimpses of her bare legs. The sequined tank top emphasized her cl**vage and shimmered under the lights. But the shoes were deadly. Four inches of black strappy leather that climbed up her ankles gladiator style. They were fuck-me pumps meet badass boots, and worth every penny.

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