Home > Forever You (Forever Trilogy #2)(42)

Forever You (Forever Trilogy #2)(42)
Author: Sandi Lynn

Ellery flinched and put both hands on her belly. “Ellery, what’s wrong?” I said, panicking.

“The baby kicked. Here,” she said as she took my hand and placed it on the side of her stomach.

She smiled at me and bit her bottom lip as I felt the baby kicking. She laid herself down on her side, and I did the same, facing her. I kept my hand on her stomach as she stroked my fingers with hers. I leaned closer and kissed her good night.


It was Saturday morning, and I awoke to the birds chirping outside my window. I got out of bed and headed to the kitchen for some coffee. Claire was making breakfast, Ellery was at the table, drinking juice, and Denny was reading the paper.

“Morning everyone,” I smiled.

“Good morning, babe. Don’t forget that after breakfast we’re going to start painting the nursery,” she said.

I heard Denny chuckle. I walked over and gave Ellery as kiss. “What’s so funny, Denny?” I asked as I sat down next to him.

“I just can’t imagine you painting. Do you even know how to hold a paint brush?” he asked.

“That’s very funny, Denny,” I snarled.

“He’ll be fine. I’ll teach him,” Ellery smiled.

“Ellery, I know how to hold a paint brush,” I growled.

“I’m sure you do, babe.”

We finished breakfast, and I went upstairs to change into some old clothes. I walked into the nursery, and Ellery was up on the ladder. I almost had a heart attack.

“Ellery Rose Black, get off that ladder, right now!” I commanded.

“How do you expect me to paint the mural on the ceiling if I’m on the floor?”

“What if you fall and hurt yourself or the baby.”

“I’m not going to fall, Connor. I’ve painted many ceilings.”

“God, Elle, you make me nervous.”

“Stop it, and go start painting that wall over there,” she said.

I took the roller, rolled it in the pan filled with paint, and started rolling the wall with it. It wasn’t too long before Ellery came over and took it from me.

“Connor, let me show you the proper way to paint a wall,” she said as she took the roller from my hand. There was nothing sexier than watching the mother of my child paint a wall. She held out her hand to me, and I took it. “We can do this, babe; you and me,” she smiled. I nodded my head as I took the paint roller from her.

We painted all day, and when we stopped, we stood in the middle of the room and looked around.

The mint green walls were painted to perfection, and the part of the ceiling that Ellery painted looked phenomenal. She kissed me on the cheek. “You’re a wonderful painter, Mr. Black.”

A few days later, Ellery finished the nursery just in time for the furniture to be delivered. I got home from the office and headed upstairs to see the finished room. I walked in as Ellery was sitting in the rocking chair with her hands on her belly. I walked over and kissed her as I helped her up from the rocking chair. She had everything in its place. People have been sending us gifts every day, not to mention everything we got from the baby shower. I looked around at the furniture and all the items on the shelves. “This is going to be one spoiled baby,” I said.

“Of course she’ll be spoiled because you’ll be the one spoiling her,” Ellery smiled.

I looked up at the ceiling. The mural Ellery painted was perfect, and nobody could’ve painted it better. I walked over to the crib and stared down at it.

“I can’t believe that in a couple of weeks, our daughter will be sleeping in here,” I smiled.

“It went by so fast,” she said as she put her arm around me.

“Are you still up to going out for dinner with Peyton and Henry tonight?” I asked her.

“Of course I am; why would you ask?”

“I’m just making sure you’re feeling ok, and that you’re not too tired,” I said as I kissed her head.

“Actually, I feel great. Better than I have in a long time,” she smiled. “Would you like to join me in the shower before we leave?” she winked.

“I’d love to join you.” I took her hand and led her to our bathroom.


Denny drove us to the restaurant where we met Peyton and Henry for dinner. They were already sitting down in a booth when we arrived. The waitress showed us to our seats, and Ellery stood there looking at the booth.

“What’s wrong?” I asked.

“There’s no way I’m going to fit in there,” she frowned.

Ellery was big, and she looked like she was going to give birth any day.

“Elle, I’m sorry, I should have requested a table. I don’t want you squishing my goddaughter,” Peyton laughed.

I called the waitress over and told her we needed a table. She accommodated us immediately. We sat down, and I asked Ellery if she was ok. She looked at me as we both started laughing about her not being able to fit in the booth.

“I better lose all this weight,” she said.

“We’ll go to the gym together, and I’ll hire you a personal trainer,” I said.

Peyton grabbed Henry’s hand and told us they had an announcement. She held out her left hand and showed off her exquisite engagement ring. Ellery wanted to jump up and hug her, but she couldn’t.

“Peyton, it’s gorgeous! Congratulations!” she exclaimed.

I got up from my seat, kissed Peyton on the cheek, and shook Henry’s hand. “Congratulations to both of you, and may you have a wonderful life together,” I toasted as we all held up our glasses of wine, with the exception of Ellery; she had water. Ellery turned to me and gave me a look as if she was trying to figure something out.

“You knew, didn’t you?” she asked.

“Knew what?”

“You knew Henry was going to ask Peyton to marry him, and you didn’t tell me,” she glared.

I smiled and that was enough to let her know that I knew. “Of course I knew. Who do you think went with him to pick out the ring?” I laughed.

“Wow, Connor, how could you not tell me?”

“Maybe because it was a surprise, and I know you and that you would’ve called Peyton and told her about the ring.”

“No, I wouldn’t have,” she said.

“Yes, you would’ve, and then you would’ve told her to act surprised,” I said as I kissed her cheek.

Peyton looked at Ellery. “He’s right; you probably would’ve,” she said.

“I know, I would’ve,” she said as she rolled her eyes.

The waitress brought our meals to the table. I looked over at Ellery, but she wasn’t eating like she normally does. She was picking at her chicken. “You ok, baby?” I asked.

“I’m fine, honey, I’m just not very hungry,” she smiled as she turned to me.

Henry and I talked about sports as Peyton and Ellery threw around some ideas for the wedding. We had a nice dinner, and we were in the company of great friends. I couldn’t ask for a better evening. I ordered us another round of drinks and dessert for everyone. The waitress had been flirting with me and Henry all night. She brought the desserts to the table and brushed up against me with her br**sts.

“Excuse me,” Peyton said. “I saw what you just did, and don’t think I haven’t noticed what you’ve been doing all night. That man right there, that you just boob-brushed is married with a baby on the way, and this man right here is my fiancé. If his wife wasn’t about to give birth, she would have kicked your ass by now. So back off our men, and go find someone who isn’t already taken.” The waitress glared at her and then looked at Ellery. “Yeah, what she said,” Ellery spat.

The waitress turned and walked away in a huff. Henry took Peyton’s hand and started laughing.

Ellery put her hand on my leg under the table and squeezed it. I looked over at her as she stared at me.

“Connor, my water just broke; it’s time,” she said.

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